Whats the LARGEST caliber you would carry for self defense?


New member
There have been thousands of threads about the smallest suitable caliber for self-defense, if the .380 is enough, can a .357 stop a grizzly, etc. However, I can't remember a thread about the largest caliber you are willing to carry for self defense, so lets do it.

Break it down into two categories, largest for self defense against humans, and largest for self defense against wild animals (moose, bears, cougars, etc).

For me

Human self defense - .40 or .45 in an auto, .38 +p or .357 for revolver. Anything bigger than that and I feel you give up too much in terms of pistol size, recoil, and rate of fire. (Sorry 10mm fans :eek:)

Animal self defense - .44 magnum. I've shot .454's, .460's, and .500's and for each of those I almost get off 2 shots of .44 mag to every one shot I can get off with those calibers. If I have a moose or a grizzly charging me, I"d rather get two shots with a powerful caliber, than 1 shot of a uber powerful caliber.


New member
In many states .45 is the limit,,,

I can't quote the names of the states,,,
But in Oklahoma the largest caliber you are allowed to conceal carry is .45.

I only carry smaller pistols,,,
9mm is the largest round I would use.

Depending on the weather,,,
I might carry a mouse-gun in .25 ACP.

I never bought into the need for "stopping power",,,
I prefer to try for shot placement,,,
I practice a lot.




New member
The largest I carry is .40 just because that is the largest caliber I own. I have never shot 10mm but would like to, it intrigues me. I would not be opposed to carrying a larger caliber than .40 but the cost of ammunition is a huge deterrent.

I don't hunt so the only woods time I would have would be getting back to a lake to fish or maybe a camping trip.(Been trying for 6 years to get my wife to go camping) My carry guns would be the same, .40 and 9mm. I would probably bring the .22lr revolver in case I had to defend my wife from some evil coke cans...


New member
i would carry a snub nose s&w 500 everyday if i had the money to get one and afford to practice with the ammo :D

right now i carry a 45 but have been looking at getting a 9mm or .380 and a 38spl relatively soon and they will probably take over carry duty


New member
My choice is .357 or 45 auto. I have larger, but the noise so deafens me that I would be temporarily handicapped after firing it plus recoil recovery is slower. And my 2 1/2" .357 is way too loud. But my choice for self defense is the nearest firearm available at the moment.

I have shot groundhogs with 30-30 and .357, rats with 38 Special, commodes with 30-06 (fun!), whatever was most available.


New member
My largest carry guns to date are .357 in a snubbie and .40 in an auto. They have doubled as my woods guns.

The largest I would carry: For people - .44 special (revolver)
.45 ACP (auto)

In the woods I would prefer a revolver and it would be a 4" .44 Mag



And I'd carry it in a GIGANTIC EAA Witness Hunter !!!



New member
COuntZerO - a hypothetical "what I would carry" choice of a powerful caliber in a large pistol is quite fitting coming from one of two states that allows no option at all for legal concealed carry. Being a fellow Illinoisan (emphasis on the "ILL") I can empathize since our legal choices are all hypothetical and need not be tested by reality. Now, if you actually had an option for legal carry, what would you really carry? I mean, really?

Sgt Pepper

New member
.460 Rowland/.460 Rowland out of my Colt Government. :D Accurate, quick and easy followup shots, energy on top of energy.


well, you know - A question like what would I carry if I could carry makes me think OC.

In reality if OC was passed in Illinois I'd probably carry my HK P7M8, but that wasn't the question! Technically .45 is "bigger" than 10mm right? But I think in terms of recoil 10mm has a "bigger" recoil so I think of it as the top end for me in carrying a powerful round.

10mm does everything from SD to protection against really tough predators that we have in Illinois - like racoons, and everything in between...

But if Illinois passed CC, I'd probably save up for a Rohrbaugh R9.


New member
Interesting question.

For 2 legged predators, my upper limit has more to do with appropriate ammo with an appropriate amount of penetration than anything else. Imo, that is pretty much a stout 45 Colt, 357 Magnum, 10MM or something similar with relatively light bullets. More than that and you are basically dealing with hunting loads that don't dump that extra energy into the target but rather into whatever happens to be behind it. I don't mind putting a 300 grain XTP into a tree that happens to be behind a hog or deer but I would hate to see how many walls it would take to stop it as it went through the neighbor's house.

Out in the woods, I carry a Super Redhawk in 454. I would love to shoot a 500 but I don't have much interest in using something as bulky as an X-frame S&W for self defense. Right or wrong, I view them along the lines of something like a Contender or Encore, great to hunt with but not very handy. If I felt that I needed something more than the 454, I would just carry a rifle.

Dave T

New member
The largest would range between .451" and .452", depending on bullet material. Semiautomatic or revolver doesn't matter, the answer would be the same.

Just sayin',


New member
357 for revolvers but I am right on the cusp for 44 magnum

it's a done deal though, as I am not going to change now & I seem to have picked the one more accepted

C Philip

New member
Largest diameter or most powerful?

Humans - 10mm (45 acp if going by diameter)
Large animals - 44 mag unless in grizzly/moose country, then 500 S&W mag or preferably a 45-70 lever gun.


New member
I follow what I consider some pretty good advice...

I carry a handgun chambered in the most powerful round that I can shoot well and conceal effectively.

Currently, that is either a .45acp or 10mm semi-auto, or a .41M or .45LC revolver.

I would really like to carry a Commander-sized .50 GI Model 3, but $3000 is a tad pricey for a carry gun. :D