Whats the first you would grab?!?


New member
Ok, so I was lying in bed the other night and thinking the strangest thought:eek: If someone breaks in my house what gun do i want to shoot him with. I have 3 shotguns 4 pistols and 1 rifle. Being at night i would probably use my XD .357sig with M6 light/laser just for the red dot/light purpose knowing my remy870MM would do a great job. HAHAHA just a question i thought i would ask u all, what would u grab first?


New member
If someone breaks in my house what gun do i want to shoot him with

my remy870MM would do a great job. HAHAHA

I'd delete that if I were you...... a DA could build a sky scraper with all those bricks.

The goal is not to kill someone, but to halt an attack. If that means brandishing, then brandish, if it means threatening force, then threaten force; if it means lethal force then use lethal force. But don't make light of it; especially don't say that you "want to shoot him". Those 4 words could be easily built into making you like some psycho gun nut who just wants to shed blood (I'm not calling you that; but there some DA's that would be happy to).

In some states that carries serious legal ramifications; in others you are more protected; but all shootings can carry serious mental and possibly financial (if not criminal) hardship.


New member
Good point oneinchamber, but of course im talking about the high threat level. I live in Va and am a law student and in this state we have whats called the castle doctrine and says no persons should be a threat level where they retreat their castle without using means of defense. So if someone does break in and in fear of yourlife and safety also those of the home u may use defense means and not leave your dwelling. Think of this post as more of a ponder of home defense


New member
Handy enough, the dog never fails to bark and go nuts upon entry, then its a sit up 5digit keypad and presto


New member
A self defense gun should already be chosen and handy. This is not the time to think of where stuff is. Wake up and grab.
Its all about preparedness. There is an old comment about battles being won before they are actually fought.
If you are an active sleeper, have it just out of range, but where you can grab it when you roll out of bed.

Don H

New member
Very true, but all mine are in a safe at the foot of my bed

If I kept all my defensive weapons in a safe, I would make a point of unlocking it every night to enhance accessibility.


New member
i take my HD gun out of the safe when i get home and put it back in the safe when i leave.

No sense in having to fumble around with a safe in the dead of night when you need it.


New member
My Taurus sits 1 1/2 feet away from my head every night. Extra loaded mag right next to it just in case there is a shoot out in my neighborhood(lol)


New member
Personally, the first thing I'd grab is my cell phone which is right next to my bed and dial 911. With my other hand I would be grabbing my Sig P220 which sits right next to it on the nightstand. I don't have any more time to be considering the right weapon than I do the right clothes I need to put on at that point.


New member
A mop and bucket. My dogs (4) will tear him/her to shreds. If they should happen get by them, I would awaken Mr. Remmington, who sleeps beside me hidden in a love seat (love the irony there). He has seven containers of 00 buckshot in his pocket.


New member
Glock 21 with light and lazer, goes on the night stand every night. (if my 7 pound yorkie doesn't tear the perp to shreds first):D Then I guess thats what I would grab first.
I agree with the 870. Just the sound of rackin' a pump has been known to cause urinary tract malfunction
I hope by that you mean that you would be racking the pump immediately upon grabbing it.? Walking around the house when there is an intruder there isn the smartest thing to do; walking around the house with an unchambered weapon is foolhearty to say the least. I would not put an ants ass worth of confidence in the theory that a burgular would be discouraged upon hearing me rack the pump of a shotgun, or chambering any weapon for that matter. Too many variables. Plus it gives away your position; and if the intruder is there to do you harm and nothing else, you've just given away the only card you had in your hand. It quite possibly could draw fire: if he sees you while your racking the pump this is where you get shot. Lots of home invasions nowadays have nothing to do with theft, only murder. My tactic would be to gather my child as quietly as I could into my br while my wife is calling police from cell phone, lock the door + place a chair under the knob, and take up arms at a strategic point in the room where me and my wife have cover. If he enters that room he is looking for hell, and hell he will find waiting for him. AR15 for the wife, either an Ithica 37 or if Im feeling nasty my M1A for me.


New member
High Plains Drifter,
All excellent points! Of course if he could see me rack my gun, he could see me gathering my child. My comment was partially humor, partially fact. I have had people lose bladder control when I've just asked to see their license! Many times a shout, a spoken command to freeze, the sound of cocking a firearm, a barking dog, and numerous other types of sounds, have stopped a person. Just moving around your house, moving a chair, using the phone could give away your position, but when I have in my hands the means to take someone's life, I want them to know it. And I will have in my hands just that.
Of course if he could see me rack my gun, he could see me gathering my child.
You're absolutely right; he could. Nonetheless it is a task that has to be done, gathering the kids and getting them out of potential harms way. I would do it as quietly as I could. My kids room is right across the hall from my room so it wouldnt take a lot of time. For that task I would bring my Sig 220 with me, it stays loaded and chambered.