What's the fascination with..


New member
All of the "tactical" crap? Seriously though, I can't be too harsh because I once pondered the best way to strap a light to my Mossberg 500, I also had a pistol grip and heat shield for it. Luckily I came to my senses and learned that practice at clays will make me a much better shotgunner than any silly crap hanging from the scattergun.


New member
I R an operator cuz I have taticool gear! :rolleyes:

Besides the mall-ninja mentality, there are certain accessories that are okay on a defensive shotgun. But these don't apply to shotguns set up for sport/target shooting.
  • Side saddle shell holder. You'd think 5-8 rounds would be enough right? Me too. But if I run out and have to reload, that reload is to cover my move to get a magazine fed rifle.
  • Light mount. Light is good. It helps you ID your target in the dark. And both hands stay on the gun to control recoil. But the light does not need to peel paint at 6m either.
  • Fiber-optic front sight - lots of help for older eyes.

I've seen shotguns with picatinny rails and crap all over them. It just gets in the way. Folding stocks are a bother and painful to shoot most of the time. Unless you have a real need to fit it in cramped spots, let the cops get the bruises.


New member
IMO, most of the fascination stems from either 1) kids who grew up with video games and view their guns as toys, or 2) military wannabes who outfit their firearms the way they think real ops guys would. If you can handle your firearm, 90% of the tactical stuff is redundant. Just MO.


New member
Gear can help your Tactics... and can change them as well, But the idea that gear IS tactical doesnt seam right to me....

Anyway, If your going to add something to your gun, you have a million options. You can do things to make it more "beautiful" Like engravings and nice wood work. You can do things to make it more comfortable or shootable, like different grips or softer recoil pads...

Then there are things you can add to your gun to help you in a "tactical"/ real life confrontation. Such as Flashlights, sometimes lasers, Different optics, and even custom gun work. It's up to you to decide how much custom work you want to do to your gun, and then you have to be smart about how much "gear" you add to your gun.

Every ounce is felt, and a heavy weapon can slow you down. Sometimes a Pistol with a flashlight mounted can be enough. Or even just a set of night sights.

But if you add on a (Heat shield, Forward vertical grip, laser, flashlight, optics, controls for all of them, even those magazine clips that hold two mags together, or extra shells on the stock of your shotgun.... All that stuff adds up, and for any real life, or HD situation... you'll find alot of gear not suitable for your tactics.



New member
I agree with your post for the most part but until you become proficient at shooting those clays in the dark, I wouldn't consider a light "silly crap".


New member
I agree with all the tactical stuff, but I do prefer black stocks. I've played too much Halo. As for flashlights, I have lights in my house. The only time I plan to shoot in the dark is....actually there is NO time that I plan to shoot in the dark.



New member
i used tio be into that mall ninja crap, even boughtra pistol grip for my shotgun. those hurt liek hell tho. they even start to hurt after a few boxes on lowbrass lgiht stuff(you knwo the bif boxes from wally world) i put my buttstock back on and have been much happier. although i am with mike,i have a love for black guns. and i prefer synthetic over wood.


New member
I agree that the word tactical kinda irks me, and i for one HATE synthetic stocks, all wood for me! However depending on what the gun is designated for tactical accesories can make all the differance in the world.
My 2c


New member
NO time that I plan to shoot in the dark.

And you are certain that an armed confrontation is going to go according to your plan???

Ever heard of Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Floods? Electrical power does fail, and when it does folks like to loot and do other evil.

We all have to formulate and follow our own plans, but mine include several tactical flashlights...one of those mounted on my shotgun.

Of course, if you have a good flashlight you WONT ever be shooting in the dark.


New member
This is why I've been a little excessively rude and short in some threads. Like the first above poster said, one of the reasons could be kids who grew up with video games and view their guns as toys. THAT'S DANGEROUS, and they have no business even operating a firearm, let alone owning one until they're in the right frame of mind to do so. I don't like being a jerk on the internet but some people just have the potential to ruin it for everyone else.

And tactical rails on a shotgun are hilarious. I agree with shell holder and light as the only really viable mods to a shotgun, other than steps to make action sturdier/smoother or the porting of barrels. As for people getting upset using the term "shottie", I hope I can speak for others when people taking a carefree approach towards a weapon that will BLOW YOUR ENTIRE HEAD OFF quite easily is pretty alarming and irritating. It is a shotgun, and it's DEADLY! Not a toy!


New member
And tactical rails on a shotgun are hilarious

It depends.................

I like lights that are easy to mount/dismount. Mainly because my HD guns are also my deer hunting guns, and the Wildlife Officers frown on Surefires on your slug gun :D.

I agree that the receiver rails and especially the forend rail thingy's are ridiculous, but a good low profile rail section on the mag tube can be an easy on/off light solution.


All three of those guns have taken deer/doves. I just drop the light and head to the woods with buckshot or slugs for deer. I switch to different barrels and drop the mag extension/insert plug for the dove field and have a couple of other dedicated bird guns. I'm also starting to appreciate wood stocks, though I tend to hunt heavy brush that puts some wear on guns. The wood stocks on the 870 and 500 are new and haven't been abused yet. The synthetics on the 11-87 are gone now too and replaced with new wood. Come November I'm gonna be putting some character marks on some wood stocks I believe :D.


New member
I don't like being a jerk on the internet but some people just have the potential to ruin it for everyone else.
Thread after Thread of angry posts in regards to anything but a "stock" shotgun ...I think you wait with fingers on the keys ready to rip someone apart or post the "youareanidiot" link.

As for people getting upset using the term "shottie", I hope I can speak for others when people taking a carefree approach towards a weapon that will BLOW YOUR ENTIRE HEAD OFF quite easily is pretty alarming and irritating. It is a shotgun, and it's DEADLY! Not a toy!

How does using a slang term remotely have anything to do with being carefree or being an irresponsible firearm owner? I think you are relating anyone using these terms with the thugs you see on tv or youtube.

I have been known to use the term "go go juice" in regards to gas for my car...does that mean I should not be driving because I do not use the term petroleum?

It has been discussed to death that it is a courtesy to this forum to use the appropriate terminology in regards to talk of a firearm to be considered seriously and to show respect to the other knowledgeable forum members. There is no reason to get so angry over it though that is becomes a life mission to obliterate anyone who uses the term or thinks in a different light then you.

wyobohunter and to stay on topic...

I think the fascination is more of the bells and whistles mentality. They (
the "tactical" crap
) are marketed very well. Maybe giving the owner of the tactical gear the sense of security hoping that whatever bad guy they face may think they have some form of formal training in regards to all these bolt on's.

Can be compared to the import craze of 5 years ago, thousands of honda/eclipse owners running out to buy n20/vtec/tein stickers and using the term nawwwz hoping they could fake they way in a race with sticker intimidation.

I think the same can be said for rails on every orifice. Bolt on intimidation even if it is not practical in any sense but the scenario envisioned by the buyer which prompted him/her to get them. Which is successfully marketed by the manufacturer to expand their gains.If it is used by the pros it has got to be good.:cool:

Evyl Robot

New member
I agree with Ruthless4Christ. My shotgun wears wood furniture. The barrel is 20.5-inches with a tritium front bead on the barrel rib. It's extremely fast and easy to aim in very low light conditions. I extended the magazine by two shells and put together a leather stock saddle that holds sixteen extras. The extra weight on the buttstock actually balances the weapon nicely, and I find it to be a help rather than a hindrance. I've got pics in my blog. Your mileage may vary.


New member
This is why I've been a little excessively rude and short in some threads.

Weren't you the guy going on about "Tossbergs" your first post in this forum? No need for excuses that's your thing, whatever floats your boat.

I don't like being a jerk on the internet.

I'm not so sure I believe you. Didn't you post this yesterday:

i believe they sell those tacticool stocks here



As for people getting upset using the term "shottie", I hope I can speak for others when people taking a carefree approach towards a weapon that will BLOW YOUR ENTIRE HEAD OFF quite easily is pretty alarming and irritating.

Yeah we've notice people don't like the term. Personally I don't either but I am not going to berate or talk down to a guy for using a nickname or slang either.

Back on topic...

I guess my view on "tactical" shotgun accessories is that some are useful. A scope (both regular and red dot) on a deer gun is pretty standard these days and rail can only make mounting it easier and allow for more adjustments. A pistol grip is useful on a turkey gun when you need to operate a decoy or call in one hand and be prepared for a shot with the other. Most agree a light is mandatory for an HD shotgun and a good camo job on a purpose built turkey gun is convenient.

I agree "accessorizing" can go too far but who are you to judge? Also there are better ways to let people know that calling a shotgun by a slang term is disrespectful than by deriding them as stupid or immature. I would rather a forum be a cooperative atmosphere than a decisive one and this forum has tilted toward the latter in the past few weeks.

And In case you missed it the OP called a shotgun a scattergun so make sure to remind him he is an idiot.


New member
I'm going to weigh in here on the gun=toy deal. I agree with all the tacticool crap. I'm def a steel and wood kinda guy. I have no problem with other people dressing up their guns with junk. Have at it. My deal with the toy thing is: Hell yes my guns are toys. I have a few rifles/shotties and handguns that serve a specific purpose, whether it be hunting or self defense, but the majority of my guns are definitely just toys. Does that make me unsafe? Do I go around waving my G-lock fo-tay around shooting in the air? Nope. (don't own a Glock) I practice safe weapons handling and do my best to teach my daughter and anyone else the same. I think that most people on here are gun nuts and enjoy collecting, shooting, maintaining their guns. So blanket statements like that are ridiculous and only deter newcomers to our hobby. If nobody owned any "toy" guns, then we'd all only have a couple of specific purpose pieces.


New member
anything beyond a shotgun and handgun for self defense and a hunting rifle is a toy (barring those used by Law enforcement and military) IMO. just like Ferraris Lamboghinis, Aston Martins, ATVs, Sandrails, etc. sure, they cost a helluva lot of money, and yes guns can most definitly kill someone, they are still toys tho. Big Boys play with Big Toys. the reaosn ADULTS get to play with those toys is because we've (hopefully) learned to be responsible with said toys.


New member
if i ran into the big wild with just one weapon it would probably be the shot gun...slugs, shot, whatever is needed to "take care of the survival situation"... very dependable with a wide variety of loads you can shoot... if you live in a heavily populated area things change... i try to steer away from anything that says "tactical", most of it is BS... if you do live in the cities, things i look for are more ammo capacity, short range attitude, super bright tac light, and short stock... IMO you have to have the light, you have to be able to see and blind the the bad dude, you miss in "the jungle" its ok.. you miss in the city its a diferent story, it matters where you shoot(collateral damage)...once you encounter any animal jacked up on drugs you will find out that max fire power matters...

hope that helps



New member
Nothing wrong with a light on a SH0TTY. Nor is there anything wrong with a pistol grip on a NOOB CANNON (personally I prefer a pistol grip with a standard stock). As a matter of fact, there is nothing wrong with adding anything to any of your firearms as long as it is helpful to you. Hell, who am I to say there is something wrong with anything anyone does to their firearm whether it's useful or not?


New member
I too can't see the point in having massive amounts of tacticool crap on a HD shotgun. This is as "tacticool" as I was willing to go with mine:


It's an old Remington 870 Express Super Magnum. I swapped out the old and broken wooden stock and forend for the Shurshot synthetics. I threw on a 7-shot extension, a set of 3-dot fiber optic sights, an elastic shell holder, and I painted it "tacticool" black. She might not be real pretty, but she gets the job done :D


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