Whats the BIGGEST anti gun web site you know of?


New member
I want to E-mail them with this question.

"Why must we ALL have to give up our guns and have so many restrictions because of a few people that commit crimes with them"?

Think about it. How many guns and gun owners are there in the U.S.? In the millions? Compare that to how many people use guns in a crime.

If this country is about freedom. Then how is disarming people being free?


New member
Start with the ultimate bad-boys of the anti-rights movement:
The Violence Policy Center.

I can't stomach their website for more than 10 minutes at a go.

More than likely, even if you send your question, you won't get a response.

They'll just laugh at you for being a knuckle-dragging cretin.


New member
DON'T MESS WITH TRUE BELIEVERS. In the time you spend trying
to convert one hard core antigun person to our side, you could
have gone out and motivated and organized 20 people who already
think like you do. Go with the flow. It's easier on your nerves,
and much more effective. Personally, I have converted several
anti-rights true believers, but never again! Lots of NRA members
are not registered voters. A lot of gun owners aren't NRA members.
Even more folks have no idea of their elected officials' positions
on gun issues. Where is your time most effectively spent? Think
about this before you spend an hour writing a clever response
to a silly message you found somewhere on the internet.


New member
I just dropped a 12" shell on that place. (in a good way;))

I dont plan to change everyone in the underground forum. I just want to sit back and watch what thay say. Heck with any luck thay will ban me from the place next week.:D

It was weard though... I felt like I was in another world there. I was neck deep in the bush with Demos. and anti's. Every thing we talk about here normaly, thay hate. There like "I love Brady and Clinton still though":barf:
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New member
Holy Sheepshaggers!!!!

I just had to check it out. I always thought my mom was twisted for being the liberal that she is but some of those freaks make her look conservative. Holy crap, I can't believe some of the **** those nutjobs were spouting off about.

Scott Conklin

New member
Demoncratic Underground does not tolerate dissent. You are either a good mindless Liberal, incapable of rational independent thought, or you are immediately banned. I've lost count of how many times I have been tossed from there, once for saying "I disagree!". Seriously.


New member
I'm on my 16th ban from DU

Going back into the fray in a while.
Gotta take sanity breaks every now and then.