What's that HK rifle sight tool I keep hearing about? and other HK91 questions

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Can HK91 sights be adjusted without it? If I need (want) that tool, where would I get it and how much would it cost? Do CETME sights work the same way?

Also, do CETME magazines interchange with HK91 magazines? Which has better trigger? Can PSG1 trigger group be placed into HK91 receiver? If ues, how much does it cost?


New member
HK sights can be adjusted without the tool. However, like with any other specialized tool, it makes the adjustment comically easy compared to the alternative, though you may find you only need to use it once. I've heard of people using curved and straight forceps to compress the springs for elevation adjustment. For windage, you only need a standard philips screwdriver.

Here's some pics of the different tools:

http://www.moneypit.net/~bhinton/Heckler_&_Koch/HK Tools....T.jpg

CETME rear sights are different. Instead of having a rotating drum, they have a 4-sided paddle (model 'C' versions, anyway) that rotates in the same direction as the rifle's bore. Here's a real CETME, courtesy of Buddy Hinton:

http://www.moneypit.net/~bhinton/CETME/CETME receiver.T.jpg

Here's a PSG-1 vs HK-91 gripframe and trigger pack comparison:

http://www.moneypit.net/~bhinton/Heckler_&_Koch/HK PSG-1..91 Trigger unit.jpg

The PSG-1 trigger group is a direct replacement for the HK-91's. It uses the little shelf and everything. They cost in the $400+ neighborhood. A better idea might be to get your HK-91 pack cleaned-up by Williams Trigger Specialists.

CETME mags fit and function fine in a HK-91. The reverse is not 100% correct.

Here's a really early G3 semi with a CETME mag installed:



New member
If you have the standard HK sight, you WANT that tool. Makes life a lot easier.

It's not cheap (nothing HK ever is). $30, or thereabouts. Sometimes a little looking about can net you one pretty cheaply (as in free, from someone bailing out of HK ownership).

CETME mags do interchange. Everyone should have few, especially if you didn't get your 91 and/or G3 mags when they were cheap.

The triggers on HKs usually suck and suck badly. The few CETMEs I've handled weren't much better. Williams does fine work and might be the best bet for a trigger job. The PSG1 group knows no peer, but not sure if it would fit a CETME--it should, but one never knows. $100 to $150 from Williams, $300+ (if you're lucky) for the PSG group.


There are alot of non-factory HK sight tools out there. They do not work. Craft size long needle nose pliers are cheap and easy to find. They're so easy to use that I have to wonder if a proper HK tool could really be that great an improvement.

Another trigger option is to have your trigger tuned by Williams Trigger Specialties. He has several jobs ranging from a basic stock tuning to the popular set trigger. Most critics like the set trigger just as well as the PSG for hundreds less.

Southern Raider

New member
Craft size long needle nose pliers are cheap and easy to find. They're so easy to use that I have to wonder if a proper HK tool could really be that great an improvement.

That and they have other uses as well!


New member
I have a factory sight tool , that has never been used and still in the package, if you want it I send it to you fro $25.00 including shipping.


Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I will write you once I get the rifle (runt and I have been thinking of CETME or G3 clone, will likely get a G3 clone). Any brand recommendations?