Whats it worth


New member
A friend has a new,unfired Erma M1-22 he wants to sell.This gun is over 30 years old and looks like new too.Some said the magazine itself is worth $100 plus.Any help?

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The price doesn't come from the value....

It comes from the scarcity. I can't tell you what it is worth, because I don't care. Find someone who wants one, and they will pay whatever it takes to get it. No magazine is actually "worth" $100 or more, all they are is a small sheet metal box with a spring. The reason people get that kind of money is because of the rarity. Nobody makes them anymore and there aren't many to be had, so the price goes through the roof.

Prices on gun auction sites are often higher than can be found at shops (this varies alot in different parts of the country), but for items with small demand (like the Erma .22) it is a different story. If all you want is a .22 rifle, it isn't "worth" as much as a used Ruger 10/22. On the other hand, if what you want is THAT specific model rifle, then it is worth what ever the market will bear. Collectors pay to get something they want, but only if they want it.

Your friend may say it is worth $XXX, but only if someone is willing to pay him that for it. As far as I know, those little .22 carbines have been off the market for quite a while, and I think Erma is long gone as well. As a collectable, it might be worth something (if you can find a collector for that particular piece). As a shooting rifle, it isn't worth collector pricing. Lots of guns as good or better that you can still get parts and accessories for are still in production. I wouldn't pay the kind of money he thinks it is worth, but I'm not interested (and I have lots of other toys besides).


New member
Wow! Been a while since I've seen one of those. I remember a service member in our base way back in the late 90s trying to sell one of those. I like the way it looked, but I opted for a 22 pistol instead. He was selling it to me for about $175, but it was in excellent condition. josh


New member
Most sources call them $200 guns in excellent condition
Numrich sells the mags for $49.95 new