What's an M1 Garand go for?


New member
I was watching that "shootout" show on the history channel and one episode was about a troop of 18 US soldiers who killed 500 German soldiers over the course of one day during the battle of the bulge. Watching that (and others) awe inspiring tale has got me interested in the M1 Garand. So tell me about them.


New member
You must be a young guy or new to firearms. The M1 is the embodiment of our history as a nation. (Yeah, I know am a little too enthusiastic.) According to Patton, it was the finest battle weapon in the history of the world. You, too, can own a piece of our history as a nation of citizen-soldiers. Contact the CMP at http://www.odcmp.com/. Go the sales logo and read about how to purchase one of these authentic, completely USGI rifles. I and my wife both qualified for this program several years ago. I got a refinished-by-the -military-arsenal Winchester and she got an HR. Both were beautiful rifles. Also, a great site to read up on M1 Garands is www.jouster.com. GO FOR IT before the rifles are all gone.


New member
Check any local clubs in your area. See if any hold John C. Garand Matches. These are fun events where rack grade M1's are required .Some clubs even have loaner guns to use.


Guy B. Meredith

New member
About $395 to $550 from the CMP, but the budget typically spirals out of control once you've purchased the first one. I've managed to hold the line at two so far... :D