What would you want ???

Double Stack

New member
Ok I’ve been lookin at these two gun’s for awhile now, and was just wondering what you all would lean towards ?. I’m really thinking about the CZ-USA, but the Ruger would be cool just because it’s a semi auto. Both of these rifles are chambered in 7.62x39. The one I pick would be a fun gun for the most part.


Or Ruger.


New member
They are completely different so it depends on what you'd be doing with them and what type personality you have.

I want all rifles to be "one-hole" rifles. I know this is unrealistic and completely unnecessary but that's the way I like it. The CZ probably has more potential for accuracy but "accuracy" and "7.62x39" aren't often seen in the same sentence. That gun in .308 win. might be a winner.

The Ruger is fun since you can rattle off a bunch of rounds in a hurry. If you can only shoot at a range where rapid-fire isn't allowed, or if that type of shooting doesn't have any appeal to you, then semi-auto doesn't mean much.

If it's for home/truck/self defense, then Ruger all the way.
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New member
The CZ looks to be a better quality rifle. I am not enthused over the mediocre performance of Ruger's semi's. I would rather have an M1 carbine.

Double Stack

New member
Army GI,
I’m thinkin so too man.

I like “one hole” rifles also, and like everybody has said, the CZ would be better for that. I can give up some accuracy for the price of 7.62x39. A box only go’s for $10.63.

I don’t shoot at many ranges, and the one I do go to allows everything. I tend to shoot a lot of 223, 9mm, and 22 raped fire. Really I am just looking for another great, cheep shooting, reliable rifle. Hell I might just buy another Remington 700 in 30-06, or 270, but I kinda want that CZ-USA. Unfortunately, CZ only makes that rifle in 223 and 7.62x39.

I’m with you man, I don’t really like Ruger’s Mini 14. I’d take a AR over that any day. Dude I would prefer a M1 A1, but I can’t afford that lol.

Thanks for the feed back guy’s !!. Any others ?.


New member
CZ all the way, I'm looking forward to shooting my older bro's when I get back to WA. He (and everybody else who reviews the 527) rave about how much fun it is to shoot.

I've never been impressed with the Ruger semi auto's, they are plenty reliable but they feel "sloppy" in my hands.



New member
It's really not much of a contest. The CZ is a far, far better gun. The only reason I'd even consider the Ruger is if you need to get off a lot of shots at close range (it's the better HD choice). I am NOT sold on Ruger quality or accuracy though. FOr anything other than close combat, go with the CZ!


New member
I guess I'm the odd man out, but I'd go for the Ruger, Mini 30. Not only is it a good deer rifle if you hunt, but it is a much better (hands down) rifle than the CZ for a home defense weapon and a SHTF weapon. As for accuracy, mine gives me 2 to 3 inch groups at 100 yards. That's a good kill zone for any animal, human or otherwise.


New member
I'd get the CZ, and then if you want a semi auto for cheap, get an SKS, or for a little more, get an AK. Both are better than the Mini-30 IMO.


New member
CZ! I have never shot one but I have NEVER heard anything bad about them and the fit and finish on my buddies is amazing!!!

Now the Rugers on the other hand, I'm not that impressed with accuracy. It would be an amazingly fun plinking gun though.


Double Stack

New member
Right on everyone, thanks for all the help !!. I started looking at SKS’s and AK’s, and those look pretty fun !!. Also, with all this new gun searching my wife has said “Why don’t you get one of those really cool Tommy Guns”. How often do you her your wife tell you it’s cool to spend $1,268 on a toy ?!?!. Hell I might wait on the CZ or AK and grab up this Tommy with a 100 drum before she changes her mind !.

Thanks again everyone !.


New member
I have a friend w/ that exact CZ. He loves it, however, he is finding that it is a little hard to load for as it likes .311 diameter rounds better than .308 rounds. Limits his ability to reload as there are not that many .311 choices out there in supplyland.