what would you use

what caliber would you use for elk

  • 7mm Rem Mag

    Votes: 9 12.7%
  • 300 Win Mag

    Votes: 29 40.8%
  • 270

    Votes: 17 23.9%
  • 338

    Votes: 16 22.5%

  • Total voters


New member
Elk aren't bulletproof. Lots of elk killed every year with 25-06s, 270s, 30-30s, 308s, 7mm Rem Mags, 30-06s. Any one of those cartridges listed will kill an elk. Question is, which one do you own?


New member
My .308 will drop an elk with proper shot placement. My .338 Win Mag works as well on larger elk, or bear so it would get the nod. I prefer the lower recoil of my .308, but that's life. They both get the job done.


New member
Any will do the job. A good shot with a 270 will drop an elk. A bad shot with a 338 will leave you with nothing. Placement, placement, placement.


New member
I chose the .270 Win because that is what I've killed the most elk with. Longest shot being 250 yards. I'd hunt with all the above mentioned cartridges, and if you own all of them hunt with the one you can shoot the best. So don't take a rifle that you consistantly shoot better than all the rest.

Don't get sucked into thinking you need a Magnum round by people. Elk are killed every year with well placed bullets from non-magnum cartridges. A elk can't run off far from a solid hit in the vitals with a .270, .280, .30-06 or .308 which all make fine elk rifles. You do have to be a little more selective with your shots, but with good bullets you can get the job done even through bone.


New member
I'd go with a 30-06. But from your list, I like the 280. I am not a handloader and the 30-06 just gives a better selection of factory loads.


New member
I voted for the 7mm Rem. Mag, that being said all you listed will work fine if you hit where you are aiming. My wife shot and dropped a 280 plus class bull with a .243 Remington in one shot,,,,,,,,,,,at 18 yards,,,,,,,,,from a tree stand,,,,,,,,,broke its spine, it never knew what happened. Now I realize that "NOBODY" would say a .243 win. is a first choice on ELK, but it just goes to show how placement beats diameter.


New member
the 300 Win Mag but the .308 would work as the above writer mentioned, just make sure your shooting something that penetrates heavy


New member
What loads you are...

using, factory or reloads?

presently loaded:

.308W, 165gr Sierra about 2480 fps
30-06: 165 gr " about 2600 fps
7mmMag, 162gr about 2850 fps



New member
I took my first elk with a .308. I than purchased a 300 wm for elk hunting. I took my second elk with the 300. Elk are often found in rough thick nasty country, and that is why after using both .308 and .300 wm for elk rifles, I carry the .308 as it does not weigh as much as the .300 is a little shorter, and over all a little bit "handy-er" then the .300. The .300 wm is a fine round for hunting elk, but, IMO, long range shots for elk are not that common due to the type of terrain that thay like to be in, especialy after opening day.


New member
From what is listed, I would use the .270........cause thats what I have from your list. But, I did buy my .358 Winchester for that specific reason (Hunting Elk). I don't need a cartridge capable of cross canyon shots where I hunt, so the .358, with its heavy bullet and low recoil fit the bill nicely for me.


New member
I'd go with a 30-06. But from your list, I like the 280. I am not a handloader and the 30-06 just gives a better selection of factory loads.

Isn't it interesting that the 30-06 seems to be left out of consideration so much these days? It is every bit as good as the .300 WSM and for normal hunting ranges, (out to about 500 meters) it is very effective on the biggest bulls. Even longer ranges if you can shoot well. :cool:

P.S. Your list is 280 and your ballot reads 270
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