what would you do?


New member
so id like to get a bolt action rifle to make intoa long distance shooter, lookin at the prices for milsurp rifles im really attracted to the mosin for a base. i would be gettinga new barrel, new stock high power scope etc etc etc to reach out to 1000 yards someday. would this be a good way to go? or would i be better off saving up some more money and getting a newer rifle like a rem 700 or savage or tikka? i figure at least with the mosin, i can get the gun now and tons of ammo to practice with for now out to 100-200 yards. also if i wanted to convert the mosin from 7.62x54r to 7.62x51 nato can i? thansk in advance


New member
It sounds like you could do one of 2 things...

1. This will be the cheapest route. Get a base model stevens rifle in a caliber of your choice. Can be ordered for under $300 @ wal mart. Get rifle ASAP, and shoot it. When you can afford decent optics(not $1000 optics, more like a lower end bushnell elite, Burris fullfield, etc.), do it. Then replace the stock. Aftermarket stocks for savage rifles are fairly cheap. If you want a true tacticool/target rifle you can rebarrel the rifle with a target contour barrel yourself with help from an internet walk through (trust me, it really is pretty easy). Voila, a capable long range target rifle (At least within, if not well under, 1 moa) for roughly 800 dollars probably.

2. Obtain an older mauser or mosin. Mausers have more accesories and options when you speak of re-barreling or re-chambering, and will probably be much cheaper in the long run. You can find yugo mausers @ jg sales for 180 dollars. Cheap surplus ammo can be found (340 rounds for 80 bucks at cheaperthandirt). This will require a professional gunsmith to rebarrel, however, and the process isn't quiet as simple as it is with the savage. The up-front cost of the mosin is a big plus, as you can find a rifle and 500 rounds of ammo for about 200 bucks. The big "if" at this point will be condition of the rifle since we're talking about surplus. Almost all Mosins will be a crap shoot in the accuracy department, depending entirely upon the bore. Some can shoot quiet well, and others not so much. Mosins will probably be less supported in the gunsmith and accessory world than a mauser. Mausers will be the same accuracy crap-shoot as a Mosin unless you go with a re-arsenaled brand such as a 24/47. They're less of a gamble because they were re-furbished by armorors, dipped in cosmoline, and have sat there until samco got a contract to import some a few years ago.

If you're wanting to compete at 1000 yards, by personal recommendation would be to get a Stevens or a Savage. It's a bit more up-front, but turing it into the final product will be SOOOO much cheaper and easier.


New member
First thing is to get proficient at 400-600 yards. Shot 500 rounds a week. Look at the Swiss K-31, one of if not the most accurate mil-surps on the market. Plenty of surp G11 ammo around. Having 1000 yard equipment is just a small part of shooting 1000 yards with any accuracy.


New member
Unless you really want milsurp, go with a newer rifle like Rem 700, Tikka, Savage, or Howa in .308 with a heavy barrel. Check out snipercentral.com to get more info.
Milsurp + all the cost of the work on it (trigger, barrel, etc) may cost near the newer rifle prices.
Keep in mind that .308 ammo is not cheap. .223 is less expensive but does not have the range of a .308.


New member
Actually I forgot about the Swiss K31. Fine and accurate rifles with GP11, probably capable of reasonable 1000 yard accuracy if you have a nice specimen and do your part.

I would choose this rifle over the mosin or mauser. To make either of them 1000 yard rifle will likely involve a high amount of toil, angst, sorrow, and money spent.
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