What would you do?


New member
A hypothetical situation but could possibly happen.

you're watching the news and there's live coverage of a new terrorist attack, this time al-qaida has got about 200 troops and has hunkered down in the middle of a major city about a 10 min drive from you and they're shooting civilians on the way to their target. the police are getting slaughtered and the national guard and military units are at least an hour away.

I would probably load up and go, along with bringing extras for our police force to help pin these guys down until the national guard gets there.


New member
Depends on more than that...

If it is a sizable group of the critters, and they're going toward something that could cause a LOT of damage (chemical factory, nuke plant, etc.) I'd be in the van with firepower, especially if I was downwind of the thing.

If they were attacking a "non-hazardous" target, I'd probably have to consider letting the authorities handle it.

If the authorities had seriously broken down, however, I'd also have to consider my responsibilities as a member of the "civilian militia."

I can just imagine what would happen if I pulled up at a police line with a van full of accurate firearms and asked 'em if they wanted to borrow any...

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
I'd go, but I'd try to check in with a a cop-in-charge. If he didn't want help from "the civilians" I'd take that as my hint.

Obviously, if I am ever faced with a terrorist shooting people I won't wait for permission to stop him, but I doubt it will come up anytime soon.


New member
I wonder if you could work out a nice deal, "you guys can borrow these AKs ar AR-15s as long as you pony up an MP-5 after this done"


New member
In such a situation I think the best thing you could do is to gather your family and immediate family together along with close freinds and offer them protection. If 200 terrorist troops are moving en masse to a target and nothing so far has stopped them I would consider it pretty much a lost cause. Their mission will be accomplished. My priorities will be to my family first.

Offering help would be a noble gesture, but I would venture to say it would only complicate matters.

Good Shooting


New member
I don't think it would take long at all to muster up about 500 ex-military with their own weapons, if they all showed up at once it wouldn't be hard to get organized and stomp the crap out of the bad guys.

Ben Swenson

New member
Ahhh, yes, a good ol' feel-good "what if" SHTF scenario almost Hollywoodesque in it's heroic impossibility yet somehow believable enough to fantasize about.

I mean, seriously, can't you picture this in widescreen format?

A police officer is crouched beside his cruiser, screaming on his radio for backup. Camera pans up and around and shows three police cars parked haphazardly across a road with officers firing over the hoods. A couple of stopped trucks are disgorging turbanned attackers armed with AKs. A police officer goes down (closeup on his hand relaxing on his sidearm). Suddenly, the cammera snaps back to the first officer. He has dropped his radio and is now reloading his handgun when a civilian carrying an AR-15, a shotgun and a backpack full of ammo comes drops beside the officer, hands him the shotgun, pops over the hood and fires at the bad guys. Another civvie comes running up with an old military bolt-action and the periodic blast of the heavier rifle causes the turban-wearing attackers to pause. Before long, men and women alike are running up the the police lines, holding rifles and shotguns and handguns. In minutes, the remaining attackers have surrendered and Joe-American shakes hands with the police officer.

Cute scenario, anyway.

If I thought I could do any good, I'd do it - but not until I was sure my family had plenty of protection.


New member
The Guard and the Military would probably slaughter you along with the bad guys.

How much of a slaughter it would be I don't know, but you would most likely end up seriously injured. Part of the effectiveness of terrorist attacks are their ability to blend back into the native population after the damage has been done. The turban wearing Arab fighter complete with robe makes for interesting movies, but I'd venture to say the guy fighting will look like your next door neighbor. There is a good chance he won't look like he is of Middle Eastern ancestry and will probably be armed with an assortment of American and Foreign weapons. Not all guys with AKs are bad guys nor are all guys with M1 Gerands good guys.

My home is my castle and I defend it as so.

Good Shooting


New member
If I started shooting at terrorists in a metro area before the National Guard arrived, I would expect to get shot when they finally do get there.


New member

that was kinda what I was thinking when I posed the question, it would make a great screenplay. I was thinking more like the police are pinned down and the national guard is a couple hours out when a large number of civilians jump into the fray, both people who happened to be there that were carrying and people who saw it on the news and came down with the big guns.


New member

"I don't think it would take long at all to muster up about 500 ex-military with their own weapons, if they all showed up at once it wouldn't be hard to get organized and stomp the crap out of the bad guys."

I disagree. It'd be utter chaos, almost impossible to organize, especially as every "ex SEAL" and "ex special forces" wannabe would be vying for "leader".


New member
Its a damn good mental image to think of me and my shootin buddies pickin off rampaging al qaeda with our own weapons as they threaten my neighbors overtly (not to mention that it would be a damn good example of "assault weapons" being used for good) but itll never happen in the way you describe. Even if it ever did, I'd have to go with Mikul and Russ, I believe that if the cops see me appearing out of the blue with an AR and tactical gear, they would probably shoot first and ask questions later


New member
You won't see the next attack coming, because it'll be a shopping bag left behind in the food court of a local mall, or a rental truck in the middle of rush-hour traffic.

All the high-speed, low-drag gear won't make a lick of difference, except maybe to differentiate your pile of miscellanous body parts from the other body parts scattered across the land.