What would you do? Can't decide


New member
I was in the process of saving up for a new pistol. I was also going to use my Bersa Series 95 .380acp as a trade. But I have had second thoughts, I am actually considerring using the money to buy a couple cases of ammo or a case of ammo and some accessories for the three pistols I already own. There is nothing wrong with the .380, shoots great and accurately and makes for a great CCW when wearing lite clothing or wearing my 1911 or Ruger P94 isn't possible. So what would you do?


New member
You probably can't get what the gun is worth in trade. As long as you are satisfied with the Bersa, and it sounds like you are, keep it and buy lots of ammo.


Country Boy

New member
I agree that you probably will not get what the .380 is worth if you use it in a trade. If I were in your shoes, I would probably hang on to the .380 and buy practice ammunition for all three handguns. Unless you sense a need that is not being adequately met by any of your current handguns, I wouldn't trade a perfectly decent piece just for the sake of having something new and different.


If you like the gun, keep it and stock up on your ammo!


Sounds like this might be a good time to think about starting to reload!You buy ammo and when its shot up its gone,reload and you have a mess of hulls to start all over again.Good way to save money and shoot more.
A gun parted with is a gun gone. I'd keep the .380 for those occasions when you want to travel "lite" and move fast. Celer et audax.


New member
Well, I decided to keep the Bersa, and glad I did. I used some of the proceeds to buy a new De Santis IWB holster for my 1911, some .45 ammo and a new box of HydraShoks and FMJ for the Bersa. After shooting this pitol again, I just can't get rid of it. The thing is perfectly balanced in my hand. Now I just need my case of 9mm to come in.