What would you carry IF....


New member
I know this particular topic has been done to death, but I wanted to narrow it down a bit further. Supposing you could only own one handgun for the rest of your life, AND..only one type of cartridge (i.e. same configuration, type, weight), what would it be?

I think that I would go for a "USED" S&W 625 .45long colt, 5" barrel, with 260gr SWC's, at about 1100 fps. Not the best for anything in particular, but good enough to do it all with satisfactory results.

Dave Williams

New member

I would opt for a dehorned 1911 with a 4# trigger and big fixed sights and 230gr ball, which is in my mind a tremendous multi-function pistol.



New member
S&W 629 with 4" barrel for anything from bear when hiking to lesser threats using mid-range loads. Have concealed it with belly band in the past.


New member
My S&W 629 8 3/8 barrel, A good gun for all
purposes :)

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.


New member
I'll take my Glock 34! :D

And load it with 124 JHPs, please.

Make mine lean, mean, and 9x19!

[This message has been edited by 9x19 (edited July 17, 2000).]


New member
Great ideas, but everybody is forgetting about ammunition. Remember, only one type, weight, and velocity.


New member

This is a close call, but I guess I'd go with one of my Smith 627s, all stainless, "N" Frame, revolvers with a five-inch barrel and a full under-lug. I love my 1911A1s, but the "N" is near indestructible. My guess is it would keep going under adverse conditions even longer than an excellent 1911A1. Also (and I realize this fall outside your boundaries re one type of ammunition) you have a wide variety of either .357 magnum or .38 Special loads available.


This is a tough one as it forces one to make the split between home defense and concealed carry -- I like something compact for concealed carry and something full-size for home defense. Since I have to pick one, it would be a gun that wouldn't be my first choice for either one: a S&W4513 loaded with 230grn golden sabers.


New member
Ruger Standard Auto, short barrel and whatever it's preferred brand of ammo.

Jim Fox


New member
Probably a Glock 19 or Walther P99. If I was paying for ammo, it'd be winchester hardball. Otherwise, probably 124 grain Hydrashoks (+p+, of course).