What would happen if..........?

A large percentage of the population(would require millions I know/5%) decided to make a stand and decided not to pay their taxes until something actually gets fixed to their satisfaction around here(legal reform, drug law reform, tax reform, health care reform, education reform, or add your favorite)? Do you think the Fed. Gov. would simply arrest them all for the Felony or try to work something out? As we all know if you want to get someones attention, hit'em where it hurts. The pocket book :).
If they threw them all in jail it would be political suicide I would imagine. Let your imagination run on this one and give your honest opinion please.

Ps Mods if I crossed the line with this one, let me know!(as if you wouldn't :) )
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New member
Nice idea, but I think they would just laugh as we all tried to come to a consensus on what reforms we wanted. Within TFL, the only thing we all seem to agree on is RKBA; who would get to decide what our "demands" would be?


The power to tax is the power to destroy

I'm sure that idea has been thought through at some government think tank and plans are in place to address it. My guess would be it would play out like a gov't. gun grab:

1. Gov't threats and sabre rattling - "You have 30 days to submit/comply."
2. Declare marital law.
3. Declare all tax protesters/resisters to be "domestic terrorists."
4. Drag non-compliers out of their homes at bazooka point, or kill them.
5. Throw them in internment centers (these are already in place and
operating, as we know).
6. Sell their homes and possessions for the taxes owed.

And of course, since martial law has been declared, confiscate all guns for good measure. The IRS and the U.S. Congress has been sodomizing the working man and woman of this nation since 1913, and I doubt that it will stop any time soon.

Or maybe the government's response would give rise to the second American revolution. I doubt it though - we can't even get all 80 million gun owners in this country to join the NRA or vote against sacklappers like Kerry & Edwards (can you say "sleeping with the enemy?")


I'm just hoping the Government bankrupts itself.

When it happens, unfortunately we'll still have to convince the gburners of the world that we're not "America the Ascendent" or whatever such nonsense and that 'hey, we got some problems here' and that not everybody who says so is an evil liberal who wants to destroy the country, rather the exact opposite.

The Gold backed Euro is already making an example of our Federal Reserve Note monopoly money/toilet paper.