What would Elmer Keith buy?


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Narrowed my search for a medium bore that will kill big critters at reasonable range. Since I am not in the market for a custom rifle (I wish), the caliber has to be offered in a commercial rifle. Here are the choices (no substitutes!):
Winchester Model 70 Featherweight .325 WSM--I know, new round and not exactly medium bore. But I like the Model 70 I have, and that's the closest caliber offered.
Ruger Hawkeye or Remington 700 CDL .35 Whelen--Check out the ballistics with the 225 grain Accubond (even though Nosler is pretty optimistic in their #6 Manual). And I read that Elmer himself killed a grizzly with his Whelen. I like the 700 from good experience, and hear good things about the updated Ruger.
And...for the "just gotta be strange and different" part of me, CZ 550 in 9.3x62.
Conventional wisdom says .338 Win Mag, but that's my "punt" choice, so cross it off. Other than the big .33, what would Elmer be buying?
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Elmer seemed to like the big and heavy loads, an not necessarily high velocity magnums. And he helped develop the kind of oddball .333 OKH. So it would seem the slightly odd, and heavier 9.3x62 in 286gr or 270gr would be right up his alley.

The .35 Whelen would be second on my "most like Elmer" list form your choices. The .325 WSM is least like Elmer in that it trades more velocity for less bullet diameter and weight (was intended be short version of .338 WM but they couldn't get that size bullet going as fast).

And just to upset your applecart...
I think the .375 H&H would be most like Elmer. Way bigger in diameter and weight than you would think is needed for North America, and not really that fast. 300gr of big fat lead medicine.


New member
Interesting question. I agree pretty much with NWP's answer.

It made me think of my own guns and which one would be Elmer's pick..... I think it would have to be my Mod 94 Timber Carbine in 444 Marlin. I bet he would love the new LeverEvolution bullets!


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get a 338-06(a 30-06 case necked up to 33 caliber) you will have to get someone to build it but i tell you that its worth it.... my dad dropped a 350 lb alaskan black bear at 400 yards with his built on a remington 700 action:D


I bet he would love the new LeverEvolution bullets!

Not if it didn't say Lyman #429421 "Keith" style on the box...:D

Elmer never did mind using some Kentucky windage to reach the target. I could see him packing a .338-06 before a .338winmag. But a .375 H&H fits his legend well, too.


New member
He liked the heavy bullets

He helped develop the 333 OKH (O'Neil, Keith, Hopkins) with 275gr bullets for big game in the timber. I think he'd have a 338-06 and a 9.3x62 in standards. He'd use a 338WM and 375H&H for game over 1000 lbs.


New member
he helped develop the kind of oddball .333 OKH
Yes, he did. It was a 250 gr .333" bullet in a necked-up 30-06 case. Sound familiar?
get a 338-06(a 30-06 case necked up to 33 caliber)
Sound familiar?

Elmer Keith was very fond of the 338 Win Mag. When Remington introduced the 8mm Rem Mag (which the 325 WSM replicates very nicely), he famously asked the press conference attendees "What the hell good is it?". He was also fond of the .375 H&H and .458 Win Mag. He liked big heavy bullets at about 2700 fps. You should read his books. They are a hoot.


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Elmer might like a rifle chambered for the .375 Alaskan. This is the .348 Winchester case necked up and blown out by fire forming. Mine is built on a lightened Thai Mauser action and it weighs 6.75 pounds sans scope.


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I think Elmer would use a 378 Weatherby for most everything except grizzly and polar bear and pack either a 41 or 44 magnum revolver since he was instrumental in developing both rounds. He'd probably use his african double for dangerous game, or just wing'em with his 44 mag at 400 yds. :) I know what he would not use... a 270 or 30-06. He liked the big heavy bullets over 200 grains.


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I like the Winchester best and the .325 WSM least.

The CZ 550 in 9.3 looks to be the best combo to me.

Nothing wrong with the Whelen in the Remington or Ruger.


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I would rather choose the CZ in 375 H&H. The 325 short mag has always intrigued me, but it is bigger than anything I need, but not powerful enough to push me into buying one. So, if I go larger caliber, it would probably be a 375 H&H which CZ chambers in one of their rifles. Then I really don't need it. But if I owned one, it would get shot and probably would take it hunting whitetails, just because.


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Thanks to all. First, I'll correct my mistake. The FN Model 70 is indeed made in long action, including .338. Not highlighted on the website, but clearly in the catalog. And I will "punt" and go for the .338 Win Mag. I actually like the short mags, but Elmer Keith said .33 bore minimum. The '06 based medium bores are classics, but I will have more load flexibility with the big mag. I'm guessing that if I ran into them in the gun shop today, Elmer Keith and Townsend Whelen would be buying .338 Win Mags. Me too, even if I get "punted" on the shooting bench.


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Great choice! I think the .338 WM is the most "classic" between .30-06 and .375 H&H. And it is plenty powerful enough for any NA game at any possible hunting range.


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The CZ in 9.3 is the superior weapon for distances up to 150 yards in my opinion. The 338 shines if you have longer ranges in mind.
As for the newfangled 338 being a classic over the double as old 9.3x62 ....


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357 H & H.

Read his book "Hell I was there" and it will all be explained to you.
This is my winter to read-even years..


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35 whelen

I would pick this one but am unsure which rifle would be best.
I would look at that Ruger hawkeye.


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I really like my Remington 700 CDL 35 Whelen.

Very nice satin finished barrel and action. Very nice balance and lightweight feel, even with the 24" barrel which is actually an advantage: more bullet speed. 2600 fps is achievable with 250 gr bullets.

Another advantage is that inexpensive 357 magnum 158 gr pistol bullets can be loaded for cheap and accurate plinking. :cool:



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I have a Browning in .338 Win Mag and a CZ in the lighter .308. Elmer would probably jump on the .338 and it will take anything you can hunt in the lower 48 and do a respectable job in Alaska as well. I find myself grabbing the .308 though. Great round for most anything in the lower 48 and chambered by most manufacturers. An added bonus is ammunition availability wherever you might be. I don't think Elmer would turn his nose up on the .308 loaded with a heavier bullet, but the .35 Whelen has his name all over it.