What will you do


New member
This is in no disrespect to anyone that posts here, just a few things that I wanted to note. As many of the members here know if you have read my posts in the past I am all for america getting its back broken.

I see post now and in the past that people are ready to strike, by nonviolent means and violent means, I have even posted a few of these. I see Quotes like people aren't willing to get their name on a list or pictures taken, good I am glad you feel that way, our for fathers should have felt the same way when the British were running tyrant in america. I am not suggesting that you go out in be radical BY YOURSELF, the only way that a strike can work is by numbers. Chew on this though, Who will you strike, who is the enemy?? Do you know??? A Civil War would never work now, well it would and it wouldn't.. No one would know who the good or the bad is, then it would turn into you step on my property and I am gonna blast you.

Another thing that I have seen on this page is that people get all upset when religion is brought into the picture. Go back and read and study what the fore fathers wrote and what they believed, read what they say, I see a lot of quotes by famous people but these famous people would have nothing to do with a lot of americans the call themselves "patriotic" I'd say 20% americans would only believe in 100% of what our fore fathers believed in. Do you reshearch and see what they said, Thomas Jefferson, Abe Lincoln, among others. It will be hard to find what they said, just the what "American PC police" want you to see.

this isn't to break the will of anyone or call anyone a coward and to say anyone is afraid to fight. Know one knows what they will do unless they are pushed. Some people freeze up and some can lead people.. I just would like to open some eyes...