what was your FIRST handgun?


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Since this forum seems to have quite a broad age group I thought it'd be interesting to hear what everyone's first pistol was and if they still have it today, so share everyone! Mine is a Bodyguard 380 that I just got back in Jan and as of right now it's still my only handgun, but I've already got my eye on another I hope to put on layaway soon!


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The Army issued it to me, and I had to return it. It was an M1911A1. The one I carried in Nam was a Remington Rand.


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Ruger Single Six .22 revolver. Got it when I was 10 (i'm only 26). I still have it and it will be passed down to my sons when they are old enough. It is not going anywhere!


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As a poor college student, it was a chrome plated Rohm RG38S!! Thankfully, I can afford a bit better now, but that bargain-bin special worked just fine for several years.


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My first handgun was an H&R 732. I still shoot it regularly, and it is the one handgun I am the most accurate with. Of my handguns, it is the only one that's actually killed anything.

The first handgun that I actually purchased for myself was a service size Springfield Armory XD9. I let some peer pressure get the better of me on that one, as I really knew nothing about semi-auto's what so ever at the time of purchase (shortly after my 21st birthday). I ended up not really liking that gun, both because of the size and the caliber. Ended up selling it to someone who liked it more than I did, and don't regret it one bit. Since then I've shot a variety of different handguns, and I've learned a couple things.

#1: I don't like the grip on most of the service sized semi-auto's, I prefer the grip on the "compact" or "subcompact" models, as they fit my hands more comfortably. For example, the grip on my XD40-subcompact feels much better in my hand than the XD9's full size grip ever did.

#2: I don't like the 9mm in any handgun I've shot it in.


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Nickled 4" Colt Police Positive. Got it when I was 12. First one I bought new with my own money at 14, a Star Model P in .45acp. Both long gone, and I wouldnt mind having both back.


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my first handgun was bought back in the mid 70's, a .22 unique model 52 semi auto that i bought used for $20. i had to replace the firing pin back in the mid 70's and i lost it in the snow for a whole winter about a year later. i did find it the next spring with a little rust on it but i cleaned it up and i still have it today and it works just fine. i will never part with it on purpose again.


New member
An Auto Ordnance "frame kit" that I built for a Colt .22 conversion unit that I inherited from my dad, was the first gun that I purchased. I think the first complete gun was a Colt M1991A1.


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Mine was a H&R 676 22LR/22 Mag with a 7 1/2" barrel. I have to say it was the worst gun I've ever owned in my 40 years of shooting.


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My dad's WWII 1911 was the first handgun I had ever fired, and I finally bought my own. It was an old Colt 1911 (pre-A1) bought from an estate. They should have buried it with its owner--we both would have been happier. :)

That thing was such a POS it turned me off of 1911s for at least ten years. Fortunately, I made a full recovery, and have had almost 25 of them in the last 25 years. :)


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Ruger P89, bought at age 50 a few years ago. Im more into rifles but I thought it was a good place to start. I've added a Ruger 22/45 & LCP.


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Mine was a West German-made .22 single-action revolver with an interchangeable .22 magnum cylinder that I have now identified as an EIG Model E15, probably made by Rohm.

All reviews pretty much describe it as a pot-metal piece of junk, but when I was 14 or so I thought it was pretty special. I couldn't hit much of anything with it, but I had fun trying.

At that point I had had a .22 rifle of my own for about 6 years, and had a 20 gauge shotgun as well. All of them are long-gone, except for the .22 rifle which one of my nephews has.


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My first issued handgun was a Smith and Wesson Model 15. 4" blue. My first cartridge handgun that I bought was a 4" blue Colt Trooper MKIII. I wish I had either of them now. I know who I sold the Colt to, but he got rid of it after nearly shooting a friend he thought was an intruder. It is gone into the mists of time. Mike Tommucci originally from Stuebenville, Ohio was stationed with me and purchased the Trooper. I probably misspelled his last name. A fine individual.