What type of Ar


New member
I'm going to be able to buy my own Ar for work. I was wondering which one I should get. I want a M4 type. I really like the RRA Government model. I've looked at Stag,Bushmaster,Olympic,Rock River Arms, Armalite,Dsarms,Colt and Dpms. If you have any thing good or bad to say about these companies please share it. I want as much information as possible.I plan on spending up to 2500 on the rifle.Also if you can be model specific.



New member
I just ordered a POF gas trap carbine. 4 week wait on the lower. Upper should be here in 10 days or so. I liked the idea of the gas trap everyone you talk to about an AR complains about the action gets so dirty.


New member
Excuse my ignorance but what is a gas-trap version of an AR?

Oh, I get it. It's an AR modified to be more like an AK. Now we are getting somplace !

arabian cowboy

New member
if you are sure you want an AR... i had ok experience with my bushmaster, the main thing i didnt like was the slight amount of play between the upper and lower. they make a tension adjustable lower receiver pin that eliminates this, but i never installed the one i bought. i ended up with about 2000 rounds through mine before i sold it. i had probably 8-10 stoppages total. one stovepipe severe enough to convince me i never wanted to use that weapon in a real fight. but to be fair this was during the ban and i was using crappy aftermarket magazines. who knows? i also had a professional ordnance, before they were bought by bushmaster. unimpressed. good concept poorly executed, but i have been told bushmaster has since made it work. mine had several malefunctions with good ammo and quality magazines.
actually had good experience with my brothers oly arms, we abused the hell out of it but always took care to clean it well... and after thousands of rounds no problems. it was the cheapest of all the ARs and it was probably the best. also have good things to say about DPMS, weapon felt very tight (no play between upper and lower) and shot well. i never used it hard though, so i cant really attest to its capability as a tactical gun. hope that helps.

Rainbow Six

New member
Just bought a Rock River Entry Tactical for use as a patrol rifle and couldn't be happier at this point. I've only got 80 rounds through it so far but it's extremely well made and fit & finish is superb. If you plan to use an EOTech sight order the rifle with the Rock River Dominator mount and skip the tactical carry handle that comes standard on it. They are the same price but the tac handle will NOT work in co-witness with the EOTech.

The Dominator/EOTech combo is great though. The EO reticle sits just a hair above the front sight post and transitioning to the iron sights if the EO goes out is quick.


Chris Phelps

New member
I just picked up a bushmaster superlight. I absolutly LOVE it. I have about 600 rounds through it now, mostly 44gr hollowpoint Winchester and 55gr FMJ Remington. Not one single problem thus far. I'm going to pick up a few boxes of Wolf ammo this weekend and see how that goes.


New member
I'd have to back your choice of the rock river gov. model. My department just received two for testing, and they're excellent guns. Dont know if i'd pick the gov model over the entry tactical, just dont like the price tag on the gov. model. But, either way, rock river is an excellent choice.


New member
Yeah I didnt like the price at first glance either, but after adding everything up with the entry tac to equal the gov. There is only a little price differance. I like the idea of spending all the money at one time and having the rifle sent all put together. That way i now it will work and not fall off because the dope how installed it did it wrong.:)


New member
Ah go with this. It would be a lot handier. And you can leave off the fun switch and still be in your price range, even with the NFA tax...


It shoots 1" groups at 100 yards.