What to make of this ?


New member
So I received a new Wilson barrel, 30-06
When I first looked at it I thought they started to double cut the crown, but after looking closer it was a ring
of metel in the bore. It was just sitting there.
The bore looks great, it slugged .3085 grooves and .3005 lands.
What the heck happened here ?



Sloppy machining. I think he had the lathe offset to an 11 degree cross feed. The saddle is mostly stationary and the crossfeed is used to introduce the cutting bit to the object to be machined. The machinist went it too deep and missed the surface, thus creating the ring. I've done that myself (but not on a barrel).

A special crowning bit is ground by the barrel maker. It is fed in straight (as opposed an ordinary cutting bit that is fed in from the side as the barrel is rotated) into the muzzle.

James K

Member In Memoriam
I don't think it was part of the barrel as the "rifling" is reversed. I think it is a part of a bore lapping machine, made to fit into a rifled bore.

I've been thinking about it and it comes from the inside. It looks like it was the barrel maker who made that ring. I suspect that the barrel was rifled by a button instead of a single tooth cutter. The button is a cutting die that is pulled through the bore.

Hold the bore up to the light and see if the bore is clear. Look for lumps.


New member
I've been thinking about it and it comes from the inside. It looks like it was the barrel maker who made that ring. I suspect that the barrel was rifled by a button instead of a single tooth cutter. The button is a cutting die that is pulled through the bore.

Hold the bore up to the light and see if the bore is clear. Look for lumps.

Bore looks great
Doesn't a button displace the metel and not cut it ?


New member
It is an artifact left over from the machining processes...a "chip". If the bore, crown, and rifling are all right, now that you removed it, forget it and try your hardest not to let it ruin your life.:D


New member
It is an artifact left over from the machining processes...a "chip". If the bore, crown, and rifling are all right, now that you removed it, forget it and try your hardest not to let it ruin your life.

I'll try to forget about it but easier said than done, This thing could shoot dime size groups and I still would be thinking about that stupid ring :eek:
I'm thinking about mounting it in the stock kinda like a Medallion, no one else will have one :D

Willie Sutton

It's a machining chip. Pop it out and move on. Nothing gets machined without "making chips". Go watch a machine shop run sometime. There's more "chip" mass than "finished object" mass left over after many products are machined.

That's one chip out if the thousands that were made to drill, ream, and rifle that barrel. These things are not grown from seeds! ;-)

Now go worry about something else!


Since that "ring" came out anyway....

The crown looks good to me. I'd test fire it to see if it needs recrowning. Try a five shot group to sight it in at 25 yards and then a five shot 100 yard group.

James K

Member In Memoriam
Since you know who made the barrel, slip the "ring" into an envelope and send it to them and ask what the heck it is. And let us know what they say.



New member
Since you know who made the barrel, slip the "ring" into an envelope and send it to them and ask what the heck it is. And let us know what they say.

Good idea,
I think I will email the pic to Wilson asking them for an explanation