What to look for in a WASR?

Darker Loaf

New member
So, I am helping a friend pick out a WASR. It'll be his first gun, and it seems like a logical choice for him. He'll be able to shoot it a lot, and it won't be spending money on any additional features that he may not need or doesn't know he wants. He's not picky, and he's not a custom-gun freak like I am.

He wants me to come along with him to help him pick out a WASR. But I figured that it would help if I actually knew what to look for. I have some lose I ideas about what to look for, but I must admit I am no AK expert. I am hoping the good folks from TFL might have some helpful suggestions as what we should be seeing and not. NOTE: I can at least field-strip an AK, and have fired about a 1/2 dozen examples of the type.


New member
Biggest thing you hear about is the dreaded canted sights. To be honest the only experience I have had with a WASR is my Dad has one that I shot once. It really wasnt too bad. I would watch to make sure the bolt doesn't drag when let go. Don't ride it forward, just let er rip. I would like to have the scope rail on the side of the reciever if it is an option. I'd also do some dry firing and see how tightly magazines seat. That's about it unless you are able to field strip it and just look everything over.

Pretty much give it the used gun inspection.


New member
Check the trunion to make sure it is a wide one. I've seen a few that were the narrow one's milled out to accept double stack magazines. If the conversion from single stack to double stack was done well- it may well not matter at all. But, it just might make a guy sleep better at night knowing that his rifle's clip fit wan't a result of a high school kid with a drill press.

Darker Loaf

New member
I'll admit the review was very practical. I found the WASR-type to be very decent considering the three randoms ones I looked at today. It makes me blush to think how much money I've spent on my stupid SAM7-SF. [sigh]


New member
well if you want a side rail, you have to buy a WASR 10/63, and as i said before, the WASR is the best "bang" for your AKM dollar.

Darker Loaf

New member
I really like the side-rail. The guns we were looking at had one Tapco (no steel reinforced tab) mag and one steel mag. The steel mags had a fair amount of wobble as opposed to the chunky, larger plastic mags.

Darker Loaf

New member
5thShock--your name is a historical reference to one of the armies of the Great Patriotic War, isn't it? Very good comrade.


New member
When we were looking for a Romy WASR a few years ago, we decided to get the 10/63 as they have an updated front trunnion with better bolt support.

Don't know how significant that is, maybe someone else knowledgeable here can comment...