What to do?


New member
I did something yesterday while at the range that I shouldn't do. It just leads to trouble. I took a look at the new guns for sale. ;) I don't really "need" a new gun, but I was particularly interested in looking at the Walther PPS-M2 that I have been reading about and watching videos about. For the past few years, I've been carrying the SW Shield 9MM and it's a very good gun. Reliable and accurate, easy to conceal and shoot. But to be honest, something about it has always bothered me. It just seems a bit rough around the edges. The slide is hard to rack, fit and finish is good but not great. I've had an occasional FTF, though usually it feeds well so it may have been me or the ammo. Still, it's a good gun. After all, it's a Shield. But once I got my hands on the Walther PPS-M2, I fell in love with it. The slide is smooth as butter, and much easier to rack than my Shield, and seems like a much tighter fit. Not nearly as rough on the rack as my Shield. And the hand grip, wow. Much better in my smaller hands than the Shield. While the Shield grip is ok, and I use Talon Grips, the PPS-M2 just feels so much more perfect in my hands. So now, I am thinking about selling my Shield to purchase the Walther. My son thinks I'm crazy to do so, but to do what I want. I even think I may be crazy. :rolleyes: I think I will see if there is any chance the range will have a Walther for me to try out first of course, but if they don't, I'm going to be very tempted to go ahead with it anyways. Anyone here shot both the Shield and PPS-M@ in 9MM? If so, how do you think the two compare?


New member
I have the shield but not the Walther. I have handed it a know what you mean. Not much I can say to aid in you decision other than if it were me I would keep the shield and save up for the Walther. Knowing that the Shield prices have dropped and with the rebate on now I wouldn't think you will get much for it.

Jim Watson

New member
Agreed, resale on a Shield cannot be good these days with the factory blowing them out so cheap.
Also, if you can afford one gun, you can afford two guns, for a while at least.


New member
Never sell a gun to buy another unless you bought it used. You always lose.

If you like the other gun, get it.

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New member
Never sell a gun to buy another unless you bought it used. You always lose

Not necessarily true. I bought a Beretta 92FS for $459.00 brand new years back and sold it a few years later for $500.00 plus shipping. It depends on the gun.


New member
It sounds like you're fairly well satisfied with the Shield (but for just a few minimal things that are mostly about looks) and perhaps are just suffering from a little "grass is greener" syndrome. I have a Shield in 9 and a PPS in 40. They're both great and carry identically, being essentially the exact same dimensions. Unless you have particular difficulty with chambering the Shield, I'd spend that extra money on something else...or just keep it in my wallet.


New member
Keep 6 guns. If at any point you decide one just doesnt cut the mustard for you anymore, then you may sell it, so long as you reolace it with two more. This way, loosing one gun only gains more for you.:D


New member
I highly recommend the Walther PPS-M2, I think I shoot my own just a little better than the 9mm Shield that I tried out, although I think I'd like to add a .45ACP Shield with the thumb safety to the collection, while that rebate deal is still in effect.
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