What to do?

Te Anau

New member
First off,let me thank you for serving.God speed to all of you.As for guns,it will be almost impossible as of 12/31/2008 to find anything that even resembles a military style rifle on the shelves or at wholesalers.Obamas election has America scared to death and it shows in the availability of guns and ammunition.I think all the smart people are preparing for Civil War II.If I were you,I'd snag a 9X19 S&W M&P or Springfield XD and a Savage (Wal-Mart-$117.00) bolt action .22lr rifle.Both of these would set you back about $625.00 at most and leave you some $$$ to put away at least 5500 rounds of bulk .22lr ammo. :)

Te Anau

New member
Well,to each his own.I bought a Glock and was glad to sell it a year later.If you want a Hi-Power,I would certainly consider a Bulgarian made Arcus that is sold by Century International Arms.It's definitely your best buy in a Hi-Power.


I was thinking I could transfer the money and have either my brother or father buy something for me, which they're more than willing to do.

Bad idea. Straw purchase. Good way to get your family in trouble (and you).

Get some magazines for now, and wait on the rest until you're back in the states.

Unless they want to buy one for you purely as a gift... But giving them money for it is a straw purchase by definition.

I think that if your dad or brother bought one now, however, used it for a few months/years and sent some rounds downrange with it then privately sold it to you later... that might be okay. As long as it wasn't pre-meditated to purchase the rifle expressly for you in the first place.


New member
Come home in one piece and know a greatful nation awaits.

1ST>>AND FOREMOST>>>Come home in one piece and know a greatful nation awaits.

2nd DECIDE on rifle you want (notice I said RIFLE), you have been exposed to several pretty good rifles (assault, battle, and sniper rifles/equipment all three) while in Iraq. Then, while buckaroos in hand, load up on reasonable amount of Hi-Cap or what ever works for you, mags, then different types of ammo you might want and also consider relaoding equipment.

3rd...ANY TYPE of straw purchase is NOT worth the risk, if family member wants same type of rifle that is understandable and could help you decide on subcatergory or brand once you are back home. Do what you have to do but abide by your laws all the way down to the local level.

4th, maybe think in terms of a "squading" of people (family - friends) and the arms that each is most likely to be able to best use...NOTE: no guaratees until hands on time comes for each person.

5th, do NOT worry about availablity of firearms in the USA even if the worst nightmares regarding our 2nd amendment rights do occur (Good Lord Forbid) there's only a gazillion of them already in the hands of law abiding citizens and many folks use rifles as a form of currency...i e their savings account. You will be able to find what you want, hopefully when you want it.

6th IMPORTANT: do not worry about anything except ITEM #1