What to do with my tax return???


New member
So I finished up my taxes last night and it looks like I'm getting a nice little return. But now the question is what to do with it?

My first thought was to go with the safe bet and purchase my reloading supplies. Powder, primers, etc. etc. Which I think that is always a safe investment but at the same time I have been wishing I had my old stores of rifles and such.

My second thought was to get a new Encore barrel. I should have enough to cover both a barrel and fore end. I have wanted a 280 for a while just for some fun plinking and screwing around, but 45-70 seems to work fine for that. On the other hand I can see getting something practical like a fully rifled 20 gauge slug barrel for deer season this year.

What should I do? Rifle? Slug gun? Reloading stuff? So many options! :confused:



New member
Get reloading equipment. If you have some money left after that get a firearm of your choice.
I already have reloading equipment so I bought a Fal. I will post pictures of it when it gets here.

The Lovemaster

New member
I think you should send it to me, I'll put it to good use. I'll even send you photos and detailed descriptions of the rifles, optics, upgrades, etc. that I purchase! Heck me and "your" rifles will even come visit you now and then! :D


New member
I'd send it back to the govt. to spend so wisely, as they have in helping to create the 9 trillion dollar national debt we've racked up. :rolleyes:

Or, you could start acquiring reloading equipment. I only reload for two calibers, but it has proved to be more than worth it, in more ways than one.


New member
Already have all the reloading equipment, I would more or less be buying components for the ammo itself (even though I also have tons of this already).

The other idea that came to mind was a Pistol barrel for the Encore, something along the lines of a 204, 22-250, 223, 243, 25-06 or 270...something the groundpiggy's might not be so fond of. I think that might be a fun little expedition to venture out on.



New member
save your money buddy. From what im hearin', I think you probably have enough guns and ammo to save us from the zombies. Or, atleast by something you'll enjoy more than powder and primers.


New member
Lol, already got some money banked. I follow the rule of spend some, save some, give some...and for me I have given some and saved some and this goes towards the spend some!



New member
Since I'm out a job at this point in time, I need to spend mine to keep me afloat until I find one.

Yep, The bank is the last place you want to put your money. Make it work if you can.



New member
Put it in the bank!

With our current rate of inflation, you might as well stash monopoly money. I'd convert it into commodities (i.e. ammo), otherwise the export sector is doing well, especially the steel industry, with the weakness of the dollar exports are up 20%.


New member
AH! I got out of college so I didn't have to take any more Econ classes...what's happening to our threads on TFL!?!?!?!:confused::eek::confused::barf:



New member
So I finished up my taxes last night and it looks like I'm getting a nice little return. But now the question is what to do with it?
We're in an inflationary cycle so it probably won't be worth much next year. Maybe use it to book a Wyoming elk hunt?


New member
put it towards any outstanding loans you have.....the money you save by not paying interest can be used for firearms and other stuff...at least thats what im doing, im going to have my 30 year mortgage paid off in less than 10 years from buying the house:D


New member
While also an awesome thought, the only loan I have takes true 0.0%...so I'm just gonna pay it off in time. Oh, and how I wish it was enough to book a Wyoming Elk Hunt I would be ecstatic! There are two animals that I wish to shoot and have hanging on my wall, an elk and a red stag...if only I could afford that!



Guns Are An Investment

Buy a gun. The guns in my safe have appreciated up to 300% according to what they are selling for on the different on-line gun sale sites! There are various reasons why different guns appreciate in value, calibers, discontinued models, out of business companies, etc. Just buying any gun may not be a great investment but as I've found, you just never know. I never bought guns for that reason, I bought what I liked and took good care of them. The good thing is you don't have to claim the value gain and get taxed on it that year. I won't be selling mine unless I manage to get myself in real financial trouble and my children and grandchildren will inherite something that they can either keep as a heirloom or sell them for a nice sum of money.


New member
Reloading stuff.As much a we all love to buy and have new guns, the fun wears off EAL quick if you can hardly ever afford to shoot them due to ammo costs, and the just sit there looking pretty collecting dust. There are several guns I have really been wanting to get, and could easily get them all with my "stimulus" check and ax return, but I plan to buy a TON of reloading supplies instead, because I find I don't get to go shooting anywhere near as often as I'd lie, because money is tight with the wife unable to work for the last 2 year due to illness, and the cost of ammo just keeps going up and up, so the little money available for ammo buys less and less every month.