What to do when my air rifles spring wears out?


Member Emeritus
Get it replaced.
Check with the maker to see if they handle that, or if they have any kind of a service network that does.


Member Emeritus
Call the maker when it happens.
Ask them what they suggest.
Replace the spring in whatever way works, authorized repair facility or return the gun to the factory for repair.


New member
When do you foresee the spring will "wear out?"

Is this a common event with Gamo spring-piston air guns?

For a $150 airgun, if you think its going to wear out a major part within the period of time it is likely that the factory will actually service it, and you REALLY like that rifle, you might as well buy a second rifle, and just stash it for the future. Toss the old one when it dies. These are not collectors items. By the time you wear out a piston spring, the spring is probably not the only thing on the way out in a gun of that price range.

Air gun service these days is not what it used to be.


New member
Ditto on Jim Maccari for springs. He is probably the most knowledgeable Air Rifle spring guy going. He has tuned several of my springer air rifles. He's in Elkton, Maryland.
