What the heck is this?

chris in va

New member
I've reloaded thousands of 9mm, but first time I've seen a 'sleeve' inside a case.

I noticed the powder level was higher and checked it on my scale, which was normal. Then I noticed this...

Case stamp is Ammoload 9mm. It's not +p or anything.


New member
Its to prevent bullet set back, is what i was told. From link, post #34
Is this the cartridge, or does my Uzi have a poor chamber?
Yes, chamber problem is my guess. (large)
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F. Guffey

New member
I do not need 9MM cases, if when I was sorting 10,000 9mm once fired cases I found cases with flat bottoms I would have rejected them, I want the bottom of my cases to have a cup shape above the web.

I would have measured the case head thickness looking for an advantage for unsupported case heads.


F. Guffey
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New member
A litte off topic

(Could be camera angle, but it also looks like your case mouth is considerably over-flaired.)


New member
Had a post on the same casing type. Some said it was for setback but it is for seating depth.
I mean it will prevent setback, but designed for the Ammoload automatic ammo loading machine. The manufacturer of the automated bullet machine designed the casings to prevent the machine from seating to deep/ set an automatic depth. It's a safety mechanism for automation on a smaller than manufacturer scale.

I'll just say this, whomever shot that casing loads a lot of bullets because that baby pumps them out in high volume.

chris in va

New member
Could be camera angle, but it also looks like your case mouth is considerably over-flaired.)

I reload 358-sized lead bullets and found that flare to be perfect. Anything less and I get the dreaded lead ring.


New member
I was going to start a thread about these casings because I found a bunch at the range. At first I thought it was another case stuck inside of it, but then realized that it was not another case inside.
Thanks for posting pics, and asking because now the mystery is solved.
After checking that other posted thread and seeing the one guys brass casings broke in half:eek: I think I will throw them out.


New member
Thanks for the post. Never heard of anything like that.
With 9mm plentiful and brass, I don't understand why anyone would reload that stuff.
After reading that SW forum and the last post of the guys experience with his UZI and that brand ammo, I don't want anything to do with Ammoland.

I can visualize the problem. Brass expands relative to both pressure and heat and its thickness plays a role. The thin part will expand at a different rate than the thick part. Add in a "Generous chamber" and you can have a problem. :eek::eek::eek: