What TFL has meant to me

Jeff Thomas

New member

This weekend I finished my first NRA Instructor certification courses (Basic Pistol, and Personal Protection). And, I can't help but get a little emotional here ... this seems like a good time to say what is in my heart.

In late 1998 I became concerned about the municipal lawsuits against the gun manufacturers. While I had a basic belief in the RKBA, I didn't really know squat about the right, or about firearms. But, I decided to begin learning, because the political winds appeared to be changing direction, and ... it sounded like BS. I was concerned for my country, and for my children.

Somehow, I found TFL. And, it became my interactive encyclopedia for firearms and the RKBA. Everytime ... everytime I have a question about the RKBA or firearms, I've always found good guidance here. We've had some spirited debates, and I've learned many persuasive arguments from many of you. I'm sure I've offended some folks as well, and for that I apologize ... my passions can sometimes get the better of me.

Late last year I left a management position with a company I'd been with for 11 years. Saw it coming, and had a soft landing. In the next month or so I'll likely begin a new position / business. When that happens, I'll be around TFL much less often. I will miss it here.

In my time at TFL, I've received guidance and friendship from many of you. Sadly, some of people I corresponded with here on TFL have even passed on in this time ... they made TFL a better place for their time here. They gave many others the benefits of their experience, because of TFL.

So, I've come a long ways in the last, nearly 2 years, because of you. Made a lot of friends here, many of whom I've never met face to face. And, I want to say thank you for your kind assistance, and cordial friendship. One thing that has greatly impressed me about firearms and the RKBA ... you folks are the salt of the earth.

I could not have learned what I've learned, and helped the RKBA as I now do without all of your kind counsel.

Rich, Harry, Walt, Oleg, Mel, Erick, Gary, Schmit, Art, Gizmo, George, Tony, Bill, Scott, George S., Paul, Dennis, Coinneach, Long Path, DC, TheBluesMan, LawDog, and Harley ... thank you. And, Rich, no matter what you've done in life already, nor what else you do in the future ... TFL has been one of your greatest contributions to your fellow man. You deserve to be very proud.

Take care. Live and let live. Regards from AZ

Mike in VA

New member
Funny thing, Jeff, I was having similar thoughts last night. I found TFL about two years ago after blundering aobut a number of other sites. I can't begin to measure what I've learned here, or the pleasure of making the acquaintance of so many fine(on so many levels)folks. When my wife had brain surgery last year we received expressions of encouragment and support from Oz to the Phillipines, and I can't tell you how much thet meant. I've also gotten politicized, I now write letters and go to rallies in support of the 2nd. I could go on, but I just wanted to second the emotion and say "thanks' to my brothers & sisters in arms. M2

Futo Inu

New member
I have REALLY enjoyed the wisdom and enthusiasm of your posts, Jeff. Thank you for contributing all that you have. KUTGW and come back soon!

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited August 22, 2000).]

Miss Demeanors

New member
Very nicely said Jeff. We hope you will be able to visit as often as possible. TFL truly is a great place with many good people. :) Best wishes to you.


Staff Emeritus
Gracias, amigo. It's much appreciated. Visit us when you can--we'll always have a Shiner ready.


George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Thank you for the kind words... Its an honor to be listed.
Its an honor to just take part.
Good luck with your new job. And congratulations on your certification! I remember the day I got mine - Proud day for me... Did a happy dance for two days afterwards. Jeff - your one of the founding members here. Your family...
Stay in touch.


Member In Memoriam
Hi, I'm labgrade & I'm an .... oops! wrong meeting. ;)

Jeff, very well said & echos my sentiments very closely. An extended family & wealth of knowledge. & you, Jeff, have certainly contributed your share of fine words & thoughts.

There's always e-mail for the more private chats so please do download a few of those & stay in touch.

& without going all slobby here - hat's off & a very sincere thanks to those that make this, the best board on the net, happen.


New member
I'm always amazed at the friendliness and knowledge that I've come across on this message board. Although I'm fairly new to the board, I feel very welcome here. This board has encouraged me to be more active as well. I just finished writing my House Representative a few minutes ago. I hope to visit this message board for many years to come. Jeff, you've always provided a wealth of knowledge, and please continue to do so in your daily life.

Rob Pincus

New member

Your contributions, not the least of which have been your intelligent and sincere questions, have helped make TFL what it is.

Thank You.



Staff Emeritus
Best of luck to you, Jeff. Although you may have less time for TFL, I hope you stop by as much as possible.

(a tip o' the ole Stetson, Amigo!)


New member
I'm new here, but it sounds like you guys are ok. I consider Glocktalk to be my home, but figured i'd come over here and take a look arround. The sentiment on this thread is not unlike the way some of us over at GT feel about GT.
I think we're really all alike in the sense that we all strongly believe in RKBA, and therefore are brothers and sisters in arms.



New member
I agree wholeheartedly. TFL is a great place and a truly great thing for all of those who believe they have a right to be respected.

We'll miss you, so be sure and stop by a lot :)


Moderator Emeritus
Best wishes Jeff. You are family and the door will always be unlocked for you. Don't be a stranger

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!


New member
Jeff...I concurr with the sentiments expressed in your post.

I see you as an asset to TFL and our fair state of Arizona.

Drop in when you can.

Sam....What do you mean this is Ramsey canyon, we are supposed to be at Black Canyon.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Echoing all of the above...You're always welcome here, but you know that. It's Family, is what it is, and you're part of it.

Best regards and best luck,
