What stocks to buy - thanks to Hillary


New member
I wonder when they will figure out that dabbling in bans only fuel the market.

I haven't heard any reports that a rifle was used at UCC. Only that he had one.


New member
It's like the chicken soup at the local deli, there was a chicken in the vicinity when the soup was made. Same with the assault rifle at UCC.


New member
I'm stocking up on G3 magazines. Not necessarily because I'm overly concerned about a ban, but that I can get both steel and aluminum magazines for $2.97 a piece and I'm building a CETME. Might as well get them while they're cheap since I missed the $1 mags


New member
Dakota, they're still $8 a whack at the shows, keep stacking them for $3, you can't have too many, it's a part that gets lost, damaged, wears out, and you're up the creek without one.


New member
I order a couple $3 magazines every time I order parts :) I would like at least 15-20. That way I can break up the investment over time.

I actually previously had a plan to buy them even before I started building the rifle, simply because I identified a cheap investment since they've already gone up in price appreciably over the last couple years.


New member
I would start stockpiling ammo whenever possible. I suspect that's going be affected by panic buying again.


New member
Reloading equipment and consumables also disappeared rapidly during the last panic... if you're not "stockpiled" with bullets/powder/primers, now is the time to grab all that too.

And don't forget about how .22lr became a currency for awhile. I traded a 555ct (with $22 sticker still on it) bulk pack for a barely used Shooting Chrony to a guy who bought a Cricket for his kid and then discovered there was no ammo available. I felt a little bad, but just a little.


New member
I would also expect that, among reloading components, primers will be the Achilles' heel of the entire reloading operation. For simplicity of inventory, it might be time to see which sidearms will reliably ignite small rifle and large rifle primers, should their use in pistol rounds be necessary. For any except the smallest capacity cases or "ragged-edge maximum" loads, I would expect minimal (okay, TOLERABLE) change in ballistics.

As long as lead is used in wheel weights or found in old houses, there will be cast projectiles, so determining which firearms do well with both is another item to investigate. For firearms that simply perform much better with jacketed fodder, a wretched excess of jacketed projectiles specifically for those arms seems prudent.


New member
I'm hoping that manufactures will anticipate this and ramp up production.

I may slap together an upper of a different caliber just in case
Don't expect them to ramp up production significantly for a crisis that might not happen. It is expensive to hold onto unsold stock, but once the panic starts, there is 100% assurance that everything produced will be sold.
I doubt there will be much of a panic in the future. I think everyone who is going to panic already has. The only thing will be how long 22lr takes to return to normal.