What state has the best gun laws?


New member
I know they all suck(gun laws), but I was just wondering where the best place for a gun nut to live would be. I live in south west MO, and our gun laws are pretty good. My town has 3 class free dealers, we can carry loaded guns in our car with no permit, we can get a CCW permit, we can open carry with no permit and we aren't required to register firearms. There is also no "cooling of period" when buying firearms. We can walk in to the LGS/bass pro/walmart/the mall and walk out with a gun in a few minutes. As far as gun ownership goes, we've got it pretty good here, but what's the best place to live and love guns?


New member

From what I can tell kentucky is the same as MO, in every aspect. There arent really any limitations here. You do have to have a permit to conceal though.


New member
I don’t know what the best state is, but I can tell you that here in New Jersey the laws are very restrictive. You can only purchase one handgun every thirty days, and that is with a permit to purchase a handgun. There is no open carry allowed, and forget about getting a concealed carry permit unless you are a retired law enforcement officer.

Standing Wolf

Member in memoriam
I've got to vote for Vermont, Alaska, Arizona, and Wyoming, which adhere to the Second Amendment, which is to say: they respect the right of the people to keep and bear arms.


New member
I'd agree with Standing Wolf, and perhaps throw Utah in with the ones he mentioned. Texas somehow has a reputation as being very gun-friendly, but when you look at the actual laws, that reputation is misplaced.


New member
I've got to vote for Vermont, Alaska, Arizona, and Wyoming, which adhere to the Second Amendment, which is to say: they respect the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

In Vermont, not only do you not need a carry permit, you can't even apply for one. They don't have it! I think that makes it the most gun-friendly place on planet. Alaska and Arizona are close, but I think Arizona has certain places where you can carry with a permit, but not without. Not sure about Alaska. On the other hand, these states have a more practical approach in that you can still get the permit if you want, and hence take advantage of reciprocity with other states. Wyoming is lagging behind because only residents can carry without a permit. Still, these 4 states are top of the heap overall.


New member
divil said:
Not sure about Alaska.

No permit required in Alaska, concealed or open carry. There is a permit available to residents, but that's pretty much strictly for reciprocity with other states.

If you can legally own it, you can carry it in Alaska, no permit necessary.

I don't think anyone can beat Alaska, no not even Vermont. A VT resident would have to go through the hassle of a non-resident CWP from a state like FL in order to carry legally in any other state (aside from AK, AZ, WY). Alaska residents can get a CWP (shall-issue) for reciprocity purposes with no problems, that's why I'd give it the edge over VT, because you can get a permit, but you do not have to. Anyone in the state of AK, even non-residents, can enjoy an unimpeded 2nd Amendment.


New member
A VT resident would have to go through the hassle of a non-resident CWP from a state like FL in order to carry legally in any other state (aside from AK, AZ, WY).

You do make a good point about the reciprocity issues for Vermonters. However, I would be willing to deal with that in return for the freedoms I get at home.


New member
From what I know...which can't be more than the average person, I would have to say Alaska. It is said that 90% of the people pulled over and/or questioned by police(for absolutely whatever reason) are carrying a firearm. Besides that, I can't think of another more gun-friendly state. I'll take coasties word for it.


New member
I don't know much about the actual gun laws in Alaska, but every single one of the more than 2 dozen Alaska residents I know owns multiple firearms and hunts regularly. I've made a few business trips to Anchorage and Fairbanks. I remember being astonished at the sheer number of firearms you actually see if you are looking for them. I vote for Alaska.


New member
Sparks1957 said:
You do make a good point about the reciprocity issues for Vermonters. However, I would be willing to deal with that in return for the freedoms I get at home.

You get the same freedoms in AK as you do in VT... Open or concealed carry, no permit requirements. But the added benefits of AK are that you can get a resident permit for reciprocity purposes.

And I think the culture and attitude towards guns are more favorable in AK than anywhere else. The subsistence lifestyle is still alive and well in AK. When you have to hunt for a large portion of the years meat, you tend to favor the 2ndA in its purist interpretation.


New member
I depends on what's most important to you...
In Vermont, not only do you not need a carry permit, you can't even apply for one. They don't have it! I think that makes it the most gun-friendly place on planet.
True, but silencers, for example, are not legal in VT.

Other states have little oddities in their laws that may never bother you -- or may drive you crazy. Ohio is very gun friendly in most respects, but insert a magazine that holds more than 31 rounds in any firearm and it is considered a "machine gun" under state law.


New member
I believe I am in the minority, but silencers bother me....no point I guess, worked a double plus haven't slept in a long while. I just always think of the evil they are used for.