What should be next?


New member
After 5 months of PFC pay on parris island (I don't want to talk about it right now) I left with a lot of money. 3 grand to be exact, after paying for everything. I bought an AK the other day, shot it today and I love it. What should I get now? I would like to spend less than 1500, so I have something left. If I had the time, I'd get something restricted, but I don't right now. I will probably get some extra time off, to help my recruter, so I will have plenty of time to shoot.

Here are my thoughts:

Decked out 10/22 (pre-ban w/ folding stock or maybe use the muzzelite)
Rem. 700 P or VS
Some kind of AR

I wish I could buy a handgun :mad:


New member
Out of those three, and considering what you just got, I'd pick the 700.

It's in a different class than the others. The AR and 10/22 are fun guns, but you already have that with the AK. The 700 is a work gun for hunting/sniping or serious target shooting.


New member
I listed them in the order I was considering them in. The 700 would be a shoe in, except I would really rather wait and get a custom rifle that would leave the best factory 700 in the dust. But after reconsidering it, the 700 is easily customized, and I'd rather get a suppressed 10/22 later. If I buy a pre ban, can I get a suppressed barrel put on later?


New member
Get a DSA FN and you will never regret it. I have it from a good source that they will be going up in price and I think they will be your best bet for a "fun" gun.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Your best bet on a suppressed 10/22 is to go to a Class III dealer and ask about all the paperwork with BATF. He'll have exact knowledge.

Since you already have an AK, IMO a bolt gun is always a Good Thing. The key, there, is your intended purpose. If you aren't going for competition target shooting, ultimate accuracy just isn't worth the money. I have numerous rifles which will shoot inside one MOA, and few of them would cost over $400 to $600 in today's world of sticker shock.

As far as "advice", I'd say to stick that money in the bank and do some thinking. Money goes away faster than it comes in. Don't be in a hurry; they ain't gonna quit making guns.

:), Art


New member
Devildog, devildog, devildog!!! STOP!!! Let me put on my Sgt face here for a second and give you some good advice. Bear with me, I haven't used it in 2 years.

I am thrilled that you share an interest in firearms with me. I am thrilled that you are one of my brother Marines. Now, let me make this perfectly clear....

SAVE YOUR MONEY!!! You will probably have "issues" with pay for the first 6 months you're in. Don't go blowing all your cash until you get to your first duty station.

On the firearms issue. I assume you're single. If not, you should really be talking to your spouse about this...not us. Now, being single, you can't keep all those nice rifles in the barracks. You'll have to keep them at the armory. I don't know about you, but I'd wait until I met a few Marines in the unit who live off base, preferably NCOs. Ask one if you can keep your guns at their place. I always stored firearms for my Marines who weren't comfortable keeping them in the armory. Take my advice. WAIT!!! You will be much better off.

When you get to Camp Geiger, look up William B. "Smitty" Smith in the phone book. He's a retired Gunny so mind your P's and Q's. Tell him Jonathan sent you. He's the best friend a young Marine can have. His advice is priceless. I learned more about being a Marine from him than I would have if I'd spent 10 years at Parris Island. He might help you out with the pistol. If you get stationed in the J-ville area, he might keep your guns locked up for you.


New member
Second the FN nomination. I'll warn ya though - you might end up selling your AK to pay for ammo if you don't get more $$$ soon. (the FN is the best of everything the AK is with a little of the AR's ergonomics thrown in with about the power of both combined! :D )


New member
More money, huh? Wait, today was pay day, all right!! I think I descided. If I get anything it will be the ar 180 I mentioned in another thread.