What shall we call "high capacity" mags?

Do you care what mags are called? Choose all that apply.

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New member
The journalist in me is looking for a "standard" term for a magazine that can hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. Pre-1994 mags were called "pre-ban," so let's rule out the grandfathered mag term. "Post-ban" generally refers to the Clinton ban restricted mags, so let's rule that out too. (Don't want to confuse "post ban" by giving its meaning a 180!)

EDIT: Let's just say "normal capacity" and "standard capacity" are interchangeable.


New member
i picked "high capacity" because i carry a 5 shot revolver, anything over 6 is high cap for me.


New member
I agree.

A magazine which was originally designed for the gun, which requires no modifications, etc is the "Standard Magazine".

Magazines which require modifications, or in the case of handguns which stick significantly out of the firearm ( ala Glock 30rounders ), should be "Large Capacity".

Only those that are 100 rounds and higher should be "High Capacity"


New member
I choose none of the above, and instead write in "low-capacity" for any magazine with a capacity of less than 100 rounds...


New member
A normal magazine should just be called a magazine. A 10-rounder should be called a 10 round magazine or some other comment on how it's capacity has been reduced through legislation.

There are magazines and there are reduced-capacity magazines.


New member
Should be "higher capacity magazine" and "lower capacity magazine" when refering to any magazine that differs from what the weapon was designed for. There is no "high capacity magazine" as this denotes some level at which the bullet count is considered "above" that which is normal (or in some eyes acceptable). There is no such number.

"Politically neutered 10 round magazines" should be called just that, accompanied with a complete look of disgust... :rolleyes:


New member
I prefer standard capacity. The gun was designed at that capacity and I feel the name should reflect that. High capacity should be reserved for larger than designed capacity (put one of the + whatever baseplates on a Glock 17 magazine boosting it to 19 or more rounds, then I'd call that high capacity).

Yankee Doodle

New member
Any mag that does not significantly extend past the grip is "Standard"
Any Mag that does significantly extend past the grip is "High Capacity"
Any Mag holding less than originally designed for is "Clintonian"
Any Mag designed to comply with Clinton's dumb-ass gun law is "Obsolete"



New member

I agree with "Hal": Magazine sounds fine to me. If a more descriptive term is necessary for the context, how about "seven round" or "eleven round" or "thirty round" magazine?

--seal killer


New member
I choose high capacity only because here in California :barf: anything over 10 rounds is "high cap" for most of us. But it should be standard XX magazine, e.g. Standard 10 or Standard 15.


New member
It all depends on what the magazine was made to carry. A 30-round mag that carries 30 rounds is standard capacity mag. If you stick a block of wood into it, it is a 'reduced capacity' mag, or a 'plugged' mag. If you weld an attachment onto it so it will hold more than 30 rounds, it is a 'high-capacity' mag, or an 'extended' mag.


New member
now you changed my thinking excellent point

"a 'high-capacity' mag, or an 'extended' mag"

there should be no such thing as a high capacity magazine just extended. why let the anti's label for us. all they do is create terms that are viewed harshly by the public and help them with their agenda.

we should stop using their terms and only use our own and correct people that use those terms such as High capacity assault weapon etc.

rant over

Old Shooter

New member
I agree with twycross and the last post by stealthmode.

Standard capacity (meaning for that particular gun).
Low capacity for less then standard
Hi capacity for more then standard

I believe that was the way it was pre ban, correct (except that there was no low cap)?