What percentage of CWP holders actually carry daily


New member
I know that many people carry daily without any kind of permit but here in SC it is illegal other than on you own property or while hunting. However you can carry in your glove box without a permit but open carry is illegal with or without a permit. I know many people that have a Concealed Weapons Permit but very few of them actually carry on a daily basis. Most will carry in their glove box but that doesn't require a permit. I have also seen some that carry a small pistol in their pocket without a permit. I think the figures are around 1.5% of people in SC have a CWP but I was wondering what percentage of that 1.5% actually carry on a daily basis on their person, not just in their car. Also how would that compare with the rest of the US?


New member
I would be absolutely fascinated to see the REAL results if they could be gotten, . . . but I don't know how in the world one could get them.

For the 10 or 12 folks I know who have CHL's, . . . I would estimate that it would be no more than 20% for the total, . . . and that includes 3 of us who carry anywhere we can.

Good luck on getting the figures.

May God bless,


New member
As my signature line says, I am 24-7 like many on this & other boards.
I aske my instructor about this once & he said he aske on many occassions how many in his classes would actually carry "on a regular basis" whether it was every day or just after work, when leaving the house......
He said about 1% responded that they would carry regularly.

My oppinion??? I dont know how many but I think it is a lot more than 1% of the permit holders.
My oppinion.:)


New member
I don't every day due to lack of suitable CCW weapons and holsters. (I do have one gun that is easy to CC so far.) However that will change in a month or two when I get two more.


New member
If there's not one on me it means I'm somewhere I can't legally have one on me. In those cases my vehicle is usually nearby and will have one in it.


New member
Every day, all day. When I'm asleep cocked and locked 1911 on the bed. When in the shower cocked and locked 1911 on the table in the bathroom. I always carry. Always.


New member
I carry daily. I also keep one on me when I am dressed at home. When I am just in boxers at the house I will have one sitting next to me no matter what room I am in. I have had to shoot and kill someone who broke in to my home twice in my life so far, once when I was 12 and again when I was 17. If I would not have had a gun either time who knows if I would be here typing this or if any one else in the house would still be alive. I will always have a firearm with in reach incase another day like that comes around along. I also thank my Dad for teaching me at such a young age how to use a firearm properly.


New member
I carry 98% of the time I am away from home. The only time I don't is when I know I'll be stopping somewhere CC is not allowed by law or when my activities will be such that carry is impractical.


New member
I would imagine that you will find a large variance from state to state. I would bet that in those states where permits are very difficult to obtain, a higher percentage of licensees carry daily. Whereas in shall issue states or open carry states I would bet the percentage is lower.

I carry daily (where allowed), sometimes open, sometimes concealed. I am also certified to teach the class, but I have never polled our students. We tend to really promote obtaining the permit (AZ is a Shall Issue state) without asking how often people intend to carry. A couple of my fellow instructors carry rarely or never. I wouldn't feel comfortable making a guess about what percentage.


New member
rantingredneck said:

"If there's not one on me it means I'm somewhere I can't legally have one on me. In those cases my vehicle is usually nearby and will have one in it."

That is exactly how I feel. I respect the law, where I am not allowed to carry, but If I am allowed, by law, I do. I even carry into the bathroom when I am showering. I wrap it in the towel I am planning to use to dry with. Works quite well, so my 18 year old son found out. I reached for the towel when I saw the shadow of a person, slowly cast across the shower curtain and when I drew back the curtain and he was staring down the barrel of my 3" stainless GP-100. He won't do that again....I can promise you.

I'm a CCW instructor, and as part of the renewal process I ask people how often they carry. I have yet to have a student who said they carried all the time, so I would guess that a fairly small percentage carry daily. Most of my clients say that they carry less than 1/2 the time they legally could be carrying.


New member
I cannot carry at work, but would if I could. But the gun is in the car to and from, luckily they have not forbidden guns in the car parking lot. The rest of the time, about 75%.


New member
Thanks for the input. This was a question out of curiosity more than anything. I hear people talk about the numbers but they don't seem to reflect my experiences. As I stated thay here in SC glove box carry is legal without a permit and I know of many people that carry one there all the time, especially women. However I know very few that carry on their person legally. In fact most that I have seen carrying do not have a CWP. Part of it in SC is that open carry is not permitted at all so it must remain hidden so I was curious how other states would compare.


New member

After taking shower in the morning I get dressed for the day and I put my holster, spare magazine and gun on. It is with me until I take off my clothes to go to sleep. When you need it, it will be at the least expected time. If I expect something may happen during the day I'll include a shotgun or a rifle in the truck.

I carry a handgun because I don't expect anything.
If I expect something I'll add shotgun or rifle in the truck.
If I know something will happen I'll stay home or if I have to go it will be with couple friends who are all armed with handguns and long guns.