What pellets do you use when airgun hunting?


New member
I was just wondering what pellets that you used.Maybe you can list the different ones you use and what game you use them for.Also what gun you use them in.


Airgun hunting is a precision game and airguns are surprisingly picky about ammunition.

Most of the time the best pellet for hunting is the one that your airgun shoots the most accurately. Be sure to test at the ranges at which you intend to hunt, sometimes accuracy can deteriorate significantly as the range increases, particularly with pellets that aren't round-nose designs.


Staff In Memoriam
I have tried many including the ones used in the olympics by the USA team. They were real nice quality of course! My favorites in my Gamo Shadow are the crosman premier HP. They fit real snug in my barrel, shoot incredible groups and drop a squirrel or rabbit at 60 yards. A buddy of mine loves those "raptor" or whatever from gamo but I ain't paying 5 dollars for 50 when the Premier do great at 5 bucks for 500...


Staff In Memoriam
I tried the 500 round bulk Daisey HP and they were junk IMO... Very loose fitting many deformed and inconsistent hollowed area. They grouped HORRIBLE with some off the paper. Beeman were not much better for accuracy and many were not snug fitting. The heavy "magnum" pellets should have a better affect on the game but I am yet to buy any. I just like the Crosmans too much to spend alot of money experimenting any longer.


New member
My RWS Diana 34 shoots the Beeman H&N Match pellets quite well and this is my current choice for a wadcutter. For a pointed pellet I use the GAMO Master Points. They shoot as well as the H&Ns in my rifle. The GAMO Magnums are a close second to the Master Points (also a pointed pellet). Crossman wadcutter and Daisy Quick Silver pointed pellets weren't nearly as accurate as the above.

You have to see what works in best "your" rifle. I know what works really well but still don't know what will work best in mine as there are a lot of pellets I haven't tried yet. Thanks for reminding me to get back at it though. Maybe I'll buy one of the variety packs available and give 'em a go. :)


Depends on the game, the range, and the gun.

For backyard starlings & grackles, I prefer wadcutters - they hit harder and expand better with those flat points. Plus I don't want the pellet to fully penetrate, because then it could lodge in my back fence, etc.

If I try to shoot a squirrel, I go for a head shot, and prefer a heavier domed or pointed pellet, like Crosman Premier 10.5 grainers.

But John is correct - just whichever ones shoots the best in your gun, so you'll have the precision you need to make a good hit.

For shooting doves roosting in my front pine tree that crap on my pickup (in season of course), I use a pointed pellet, since the gun I use is only a 400 fps Weirauch HWP 40, so I'll have penetration, and doves are very easy to kill, unlike grackles.

I've also kill a few starlings & grackles with no. 9 shot, from this Viper Express "shotgun":



we have to use shotguns for squirrels here
TX game law is funny about airguns.

You can't use them on squirrels, but you can use them on non-game animals. I've eaten pork from a feral hog shot with an airgun. A LARGE airgun. ;)


New member
I know this might sound crazy but...

For small pests, try putting the pellets backwards. They act like nasty hollowpoints and have a tremendous impact. If the lead is fresh, the skirt of the pellets will open up and then break off. If the lead if old, the skirt should open up and fold over the head of the pellet, increasing the diameter by about 50%.

Now if you move up to .22 airguns, it becomes a whole other story. .22 caliber pellets have much more impact. We had a pigeon problem in a shopping mall where we have a business. The .22 pellets took them down immediately. The .177 pellets required several hits and some were even able to fly despite good solid center of mass hits. BB's performed the worst.


For small pests, try putting the pellets backwards.
Have you tried some groups to see how this works at different ranges? I would expect to see keyholing once the range stretches a bit...


I would expect it to do a number on really small critters, I'd be a bit worried about penetration problems on anything larger than a small bird (sparrow-starling sized).

I bought my first .22cal airgun awhile back and have not had a chance to use it on any pests yet but the .20 cal R1 I have is quite effective on crows. I agree that the .177 is somewhat limited in terms of what it can handle unless only brain shots are made.


New member
Crossman Premier's get an excellent seal which is key. They are constructed very similar to benjamins. They are hollow point which doesn't do a darn thing in a pellet gun, but makes for good marketing. However, the seal is key, and they have a consistant tight fit. They shoot well out of my winchester pellet rifle. I got a red dot on it, and I nailed a tree rat (squirel) at 53 yds per the range finder w/ it last weekend.