What next from Gun Control Inc., Paris franchise

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New member
News accounts describing this shooting mentioned "assault rifles" and "automatic weapons" used by the shooters, whomever they might turn out to be. Such firearms aren't likely to be found in the hands of French hunters or sport shooters, assuming that there are such people in France.

I don't know if French law allows civilian possession/ownership of automatic or selective fire weapons, though if it does, I expect possession of such arms is restricted to say the very least, as it is in the U.S.,the baloney produced by the domestic Anti Gun propaganda machine notwithstanding. The foregoing leaves open, among other questions, the following. From whence come the weapons used?

The answer to that question, combined with the following, what next might be proposed in the legislatures of France will turn out to be interesting, to say the least.

Evan Thomas

New member
It seems clear that the shootings were carried out by radical Islamic extremists; assuming they're part of an organized group, they would have had little difficulty acquiring weapons.

I've read a fair bit of the coverage of this tragedy in the French press (Paris Match and Le Monde), and the issue of gun control has not been mentioned. Until we have links to such discussion, there's not much point in our putting words in their mouths.

The answer to that question, combined with the following...
If by "the following" you meant a link or links that you didn't include, PM me and I'll consider reopening this.
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