What N Frame is this ? ? ? [ quiz ]


New member
(SAM-please refrain....) HINT :
The grips and screwdriver are incorrect for this piece.dewey



New member
Looks like....

a nickle plated 1950 Target Model in 44 Special.

Or it's a really extravagant fake of some sort.


New member
Edit:...Well I blew it.:D
Sho looks like it would shoot low with that tall front sight.

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New member
Well, it looks like a 5" barrel so either a M27 or it's a special order or been cut down.

Five-screw frame so it is old, maybe pre-war.

It is not a Magnum as the chambers are not counter-bored. So it must be a .38, .44 of some variety, or a .45 bore. The brush is not a .38 so if correct for gun the caliber must be .44 or .45.

Finish is either polished bare steel, nickel, or some other aftermarket finish. Looks a little dull for nickel but could be the photo quality. Assume it can't be stainless given its age. But, hammer and trigger appear to be same color as rest of gun, and nickeled Smiths have blued hammers and triggers.

I would guess that whatever it started out as, it has been extensively modified by having the barrel shortened and being refinished, maybe in a hard chrone of some sort, including the hammer and trigger.

Maybe it's really wild and it started as an M1917 with barrel, hammer, and other parts replaced, adjustable rear sight added and a new finish applied?


New member
The gap between the cylinder and the frame crane looks like that of a .45 ACP. The ramp front sight would preclude it being a target model. The tall front sight would imply a slow-moving bullet (pistol recoils upward before the round exits the barrel). I'd guess it is a Model 24 of some persuasion.


New member
I expect professionals to have a keen eye

and ya'll have about nailed it ! The larger rear site makes it post-war and it is a realitively slow moveing round.The 5 inch in this model is 'scarce' ...dewey


New member
A nickel plated Model 24 in .44 Spl?

If it was a M25 wouldn't there be provisions for the moon clips in the display box? -- Kernel


New member
If the adjustable sight is original as you indicate, and if I am correct about the rounds in the box being .45 ACP, then it must be a Model 1950 or Target Model 1955 with a special-order 5" barrel, ramp front sight and a refinish.


New member
Looks like stainless steel not nickel unless the color is off. Taurus raging bull with five inch bbl.?


New member
Model of 1950 .44SPL 4th Change Target

Five inch, brushed chrome.( S&W letter says gun was shipped as 5 inch blue ). Jinks said that 200 were made in 4 inch and not many in 5.

Thanks for all the inputs and YES the action is REALLY smooth thanks to the chrome. It also cleans up in a jiffy. BEST...dewey