What, me worry? Gore comes out ahead in Newsweek poll

Jack 99

New member
First poll I've seen with Gored on top. If Zogby confirms, I'm going to start getting real worried:

Gore Travels Down
Mississippi, Tops
Newsweek Poll
August 19, 2000 9:51 pm EST

By Thomas Ferraro

BELLEVUE, Iowa (Reuters) -
Democratic presidential
nominee Al Gore stuck to specifics on
Saturday as he traveled through America's
heartland on the Mississippi River buoyed by
a new poll suddenly showing him leading in
the race for the White House.

Gore pushed his election-year agenda at
riverside rallies on matters from health care
to education as aides buzzed about a
Newsweek survey that showed the vice
president erasing Republican George W.
Bush's double-digit lead in recent days.

Shortly after the new numbers were
released, Gore made his first visit to the
newsroom aboard his campaign river boat in
two days and said, "I really don't think polls

"People are now just beginning to pay close
attention to the election," he said, adding
with a grin, "I'm beginning to think that the
polls have a little more relevancy as we get
closer to the election."

The Newsweek poll, released on Saturday,
showed that Gore, who had been trailing
Bush by double-digit margins in a number of
surveys less than two weeks ago, got a big
bounce out of the Democratic National
Convention, which concluded on Thursday
night in Los Angeles.

The survey of 806 registered voters, with a
margin of error of plus or minus four
percentage points, showed Gore winning the
support of 52 percent of respondents
against Bush's 44 percent in a two-way
race. The poll was conducted before and
after Gore accepted the nomination with a
speech outlining his plans for the nation's

In a hypothetical four-way race, Gore was
also ahead, by 48 percent to 42 percent,
with 3 percent for Green Party candidate
Ralph Nader and 1 percent for Reform Party
candidate Patrick Buchanan.


"Super," responded Greg Simon, a Gore
senior adviser, when told of the new
Newsweek numbers. "We are cautiously

"We have always felt that once people get
to see Al Gore as our party's candidate and
listen to what he wants to do as president,
we'd be in good shape," Simon said. "As far
as we are concerned, the real campaign
began on Thursday night."

Bush spokesman Scott McClellan, asked
about the survey as the Republican nominee
campaigned in Las Cruces, New Mexico,
responded: "Like we've said all along, let's
see where things are around Labor Day. This
is to be expected after the (Democratic)

An overnight NBC poll of 500 registered
voters released early on Friday also had Gore
up, 46 percent to 43 percent, while a
Voter.com Battle Ground Poll of 1,000
voters, conducted on Wednesday and
Thursday, had Gore cutting Bush's lead to
five percentage points from 10 points the
day before.

Candidates traditionally get a big bounce
from their party's convention, just as Bush
and his running mate, Dick Cheney, did from
the Republican gala in Philadelphia.

But post-convention gains are often
short-lived, and both campaigns have
predicted a close Nov. 7 election.

Having essentially conceded he cannot
match Bush's charisma, Gore is pressing
voters to decide the election on the issues.
In his acceptance speech on Thursday
night, Gore got specific when he spelled out
what he would do if elected president. He
has stuck with that theme on the river.

At a rally in Bellevue, Iowa, that drew more
than half the community's 2,200 residents,
Gore said: "The presidency is not a
personality contest. It's a day-by-day fight
for real people with real challenges. I want
to fight for you."

The crowd sang "Happy Birthday" to Gore's
wife, Tipper, who turned 52 on Saturday.
She was presented with a bouquet of red
and white roses at the event.

At riverside rallies in the past few days, Gore
has spread the word about his agenda.

Georgette O'Brien, among scores of members
of the United Food and Commercial Workers
union who attended the rally on Saturday,
said: "Al Gore is starting to catch on.

"A week ago, a lot of people here today
wouldn't have bothered to show up. But
people are now starting to see him as
someone who can deliver."

Gore's running mate, Connecticut Sen.
Joseph Lieberman, the first Jew on a
major-party ticket, left the riverboat after
its stop in Genoa, Wisconsin, to observe the
Jewish Sabbath, which begins on Friday
evening. He was to return on Sunday, when
the boat stops in Moline, Illinois.

The four-day river trip will end on Monday in
Hannibal, Missouri, hometown of fabled
author Mark Twain.
To be expected right after the Dem convention - batting clean up is always an advantage because you have time to tailor your responses to pick up on what the other guys missed. Dems had 2 weeks to figure out what they were going to do, and didn't waste it.

We'll see what happens in a few weeks.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for BladeForums.com


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jack 99:
First poll I've seen with Gored on top. If Zogby confirms, I'm going to start getting real worried...

I wouldn't put much creedence in this poll.
Newsweek is notorious for biasing the results.

Randy Davis

New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ezeckial:
I wouldn't put much creedence in this poll.Newsweek is notorious for biasing the results.[/quote]


I hate to burst your bubble, but Zogby has a very good record of being an unbaised
pollster. Someone posted the latest here and Zogby says there is only 3.1 % difference between alBore and DUHbya :(

Things aint looking so good now, people.


Vote Libertarian- Vote for Freedom

RKBA Forever.


New member
I'd wait and see what a Zogby poll shows early next week. A Washington Post writer made a good point about these overnight polls. They use a small sampling, and they call when most people are at work. In one of the polls just released, 39% of the respondents were Democrats.

Want to send a message to Bush? Sign the petition at http://www.petitiononline.com/monk/petition.html and forward the link to every gun owner you know.

Brett Bellmore

New member
Registered voters, not likely voters; That by itself gives Gore a leg up in the poll because Democrats are well known to be less likely to vote than Republicans. Notice that the Battleground poll has Gore five percent below Bush; (With a larger sample size, yet.) The tolerance bands on these two polls don't even overlap, which is clue enough that something is fishy somewhere!

Anyway, I'm not worried; If Gore is EVER going to be ahead in the polls, it's right after that convention with the media coverage of it amounting to millions of dollars in unreported "in kind" campaign contributions. If this is the best they can do at this moment, they've got to be sweating blood at Gore campaign headquarters.

Sic semper tyrannis!


New member
I don't trust Zogby or any other pollsters. Too many things can influence an outcome. I'm waiting for the poll in November. That's the one that counts. I've given up on the mass media. Even Fox showed it's true colors today when it's chat politics show closed with the lead commentator saying Gore showed he was different than Clinton when he kissed his wife. What kind of baloney is that? For real news and commentary I turn to www.spectator.org

"Get yourself a Lorcin and lose that nickel plated sissy pistol."


New member
As far as the Newsweek poll is concerned, I'd be surprised if the result wasn't predetermined. I personally believe that the elite media fabricate information when needed to boost their agenda and manipulate public reaction and opinion. The problem, of course, is that the inmates can get away with anything when they're in charge of the asylum.


Hey, the economy is strong and this is helping out Gore a lot. It seems that a certain segment of the populace credits the strength or weakness of the economy to the President.

Still I think this is going to be a close election. I think it is all going to be about voter turnout. Remember also that you can win the Presidency without a majority in this country. The way I figure it Gore will probably take both California and New York. He will lose almost the whole South, most of the West. But the deciding states will be Pennsylvannia, Ohio, Michigan, etc. If Gore doesn't hold those he doesn't make it.

Jack 99

New member
Tecolote and others,

Of all the pollsters, watch Zogby. They are consistently accurate. Uncanny accurate in a lot of ways.

This one will go down to the wire and the swing states will probably be midwest/upper midwest, although I think Gore may do better in the South than some predict.

It's gonna be scary on election night.


New member
Maybe someone here can correct me, but I believe that only ONE VP of an 8 year term has EVER gone on to become president.