What makes you shoot?


New member
It just kind of struck me today. People on here spend hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars yearly for shooting.
What is it that trips your trigger?
The basic (and somewhat juvenile) joy of just watching something being destroyed?
Having that wonderful punch of power in your hand?
A great way of just blowing off steam?
Concern for personal safety?
Yes, I'll go first.
For me, it's more personal.
I'm in pain 24/7.
I spend most of my time just doing things, thinking about anything, reacting, doing whatever I can to distract myself from that. And from thinking about what I can't do anymore.
Shooting forces me to pay attention to me.
I have to concentrate on my body.
My posture, balance.
Grip right?
Can I hold steady today, relax, allow my muscles to work, no strain, no tension?
A nice gentle pull.
If everything goes right, a little surprise at the bang.
Do it again, a little faster, but if anything, try for a little smoother.
Cylinder/mag empty?
A nice slow walk, hopefully a nice group.
Do it again.
Think about nothing else for a while.
And if I'm aware of my pain for awhile, I will live with that too.
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New member

I shoot for relaxation and enjoyment. I'm in competition with myself as I attempt to improve each time I shoot. I also carry for protection. I've realized how mean the world had gotten in the last forty years or so. When I was a kid we never locked our doors and we played and wandered all over town and through the surrounding woods and pastures without worrying about some freak of nature kidnapping and molesting us. There are just too many people who are too dumb or too lazy to work with the idea they can always find someone weaker to rob, steal from, rape or kill. I don't intend for me or my family to be a victim.


New member
I love all things that go "BOOM" or launch projectiles

It's just plain fun.
It is also very satisfying to watch yourself improve over time.

I can tell you what makes me not shoot; Freakin ammo prices!!
I haven't been to the range for over a month, and probably wont be any time soon. It has gotten to the point where I drop about $75 just to shoot for a couple of hours (not including range fees - I bought a bunch of range passes a while ago)

As an aside I did find something that is about as fun (maybe even more).
Last week I bought a paintball gun. It is a blast shooting around the back yard and much cheaper than real ammo.
I can set up silhouettes drawn on some old plywood and fire away.


New member
grew up

I grew up around guns and developed a natural nack(sp?) for shooting rifles. I won a few youth rifle competitions back in the day with an open sight Remington .22 I never sighted in or cleaned sadly enough. I also shoot to better my protection skills.

As far as paint ball, I used to play a lot of. It's a LOT of fun, but if you want something even cheaper to shoot and more realistic I strongly recommend Airsoft replica weapons. They fire 6mm hard plastic BB's at or around 300 feet per second, and the ammo is dirt cheap and instead of air they are powered by a rechargeable battery. www.airsoftextreme.com is a great retailer located in the U.S. for such guns, and they come in everyones favorite models that are very realistic. The gas blow back pistols are a great way to practice trigger control of your favorite models even cheaper than .22. Now that I feel like a used car salesman I'll stop, but again, loads of fun to be had.:D
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New member
For the past 2 1/2 years, I have been a full-time care giver for my wife, who is slowly becoming terminal from cancer. I have become rather versed on the specific cancer and have been the decision maker for her care. I also keep our "life" going with respect to finances, household chores and the like. Some time ago I realized that I needed an "escape".

I tried model railroading. I was chastised for not making from scratch. What a bunch of AH's. I wanted a diversion, not an obsession. Then, I called upon my past and thought about shooting. I bought a handgun. Went to a range. Bought another. Went to the range. Bought another.-----you know the rest. I have others, but now now I am a BHP "accumulator".

Shooting for 2 hours a week has brought me great escape from my day-to-day tension and has given me quite a challenge. My eyesight has changed along with my reflexes. I am getting better (shooting and easing tension) with each range visit.

I am amazed with what an hour of BANG-BANG will do with my state of mind. Another benefit with the range is the friendship of the people there. They help me with shooting and sincerely care about me and my situation.

The dollars spent is significant, but the benefit received is keeping me sane. See a shrink ?? Nah---caress a BHP, take her to the range and let her perform. Damn. It works for me.


New member
I shoot handguns because it's just plain fun. I also want to know my abilities as well as the capabilities and characteristics of each of my handguns. They all have seperate personalities.

I shoot trap because it is a very relaxing and competative sport. The people you meet on the trap and skeet range are always very helpful and courteous. If I get the chance I'd like to try sporting clays. I've heard it described as playing golf with a shotgun. Sounds like fun.


New member
I shoot rifles and handguns because its fun. It's just you and your firearm and there is nothing better than a perfect bullseye.


New member
With pistols, I shoot to keep defensive skills sharp.

My first love, though, is rifles. I can set up at the range, wait for the good shots, and only pull the trigger five times in an hour. It's great.

My favorite shooting times are cold mornings in winter. Don't really know why.


New member
For the enjoyment of friends and ...

acquantences and the bloopers that occur.

Had a shoot in which there was aclay bird duel with two shooters, my oppisite and I stepped-up with .22's (he Target Ruger, I a K-22) blew my first shot, he failed to cycle home the bolt, blew my bird away spectacularly, then noticed the .22 caliber hole in his!!!!

ALso had a father & son (about 6yrs) doing the duel, I sidled up to RO and inquired if I should go to equipment shed and shoot the son's bird to build-up his confidence.


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For me, it seems to be the company I shoot with. It doesn't matter if we shoot rifle, pistol, or shotguns. If it shoots, I like it...but I like the people I shoot with most.



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It's fun. I thought about golf, but that would have been more expensive and kept me away from home longer. I like to be home too.


New member
What makes me shoot?

The joy of seeing those close together holes on the target.

The knowledge that I know what I'm doing with my firearms and know it's capabilities and mine.

The fun of seeing others just as good,mature and some that are better shots than me at the range.

Deep down,knowing that as an American,this is one of the fundamental rights that we ,as American's are never supposed to have to ask our government to enjoy.

And,hey,it's FUN!


New member
Some of you have complained about the cost of ammo and I've heard it's going up another 15%-20% today. That's why I primarily shoot .22lr and .177air pistols. I still shoot my 9mm and .40 cal pistols regularly but I don't shoot 500 rounds a month anymore. Our local gun club has International NRA 10 meter air pistol competition once a week. You can spent as much as two grand on an air pistol; however, you can get a very good match grade pistol in the $200 - $350 range and excellent match grade pellets for about $6-$10 per 500. With an air pistol you can see every mistake you make because the muzzle velocity of the pellet is only in the 500 fps range. If you pull or push a shot or raise or drop the muzzle it is very obvious. I've been shooting this competition for about eight months and I guarantee it has improved my shooting skills.

Moe Howard

New member
For me it is a challenge. Shooting handguns is almost a passion yet it does not come as natural to me as shooting a rifle. I had to work much harder for a longer period of time to become as proficient as I wanted to be.
I am also very sympathetic to DMMikey, I am in constant physical pain, nothing that really prevents me from doing most anything I want, but it makes certain things a bit more of a struggle and keeping myself busy concentrating on other things is, for me, a better way to deal with it than prescription pain killers, which I hate taking. That is also why I have gun related hobbies like minor customizing of guns, making holsters, and other leather goods for friends and family.


New member
To me, it is the challange of putting the bullet in the center of the target from as far away as possible. I'm not into 'conventional' sports like baseball or football, and I absolutely hate basketball and golf. To me, those sports don't require much skill. But, to put a small projectile into a 1-2 inch circle at 600+ yards without a scope consistantly(I compitition shoot AR-15s), that takes skill, concentration and dedication. Plus, it is relaxing, and it is a sport my wife and kids are really into, so it is quality family fun too for me.