What makes the 1911 so great?


New member
Well, after a while here i've noticed that alot of poeple love the 1911 type guns. and i was just wondering why? im not saying that it is a bad gun, but it just dosent seem that any better than a SIG or HK etc.


New member
almost a century of service? The fact that a lot of comapnies are producing 1911 style pistols? Some body has to be buying them, some folks tend to buy stuff that is time tested and proven instead of the flavor of the decade, year or month.


New member
does sig or hk have single action only guns that have manual safetys?

now if you'll all excuse me i have to go light some candles in my JMB shrine.

Will Fennell

New member
Allot of things......but it comes down to....

The trigger and how low the bore sits in your hand. Being REALLY thin doesn't hurt either.

These are just starters......another key point is how few parts there are....when is the last time you detail stripped your Sig or HK?


New member
Once you get it, you "get it". 1911s are like a classic car; Timeless. They have a certain charm about them. Everybody should have at least one.


And there are many prettier than mine :)


Single action trigger gives you the same feel shot after shot. The weapon points well. As was mentioned, they are slim in the grips. Shoots a proven caliber. Accurate, reliable, and durable.

There's also the nostalgia of a weapon that was our sidearm for 75 years. The Baby Boomers grew up with it in television shows, at the movies, and throughout their military careers.

It's not likely that the 1911 is a universal handgun, people's tastes are different. Some won't like the weapon for the same reasons listed above. It will do everything that you need it to do. So will many others.

You pays your money, and you takes your pick.:)


New member
The trigger has already been mentioned but bears repeating. A 1911's

trigger is the easiest trigger system to operate and easiest for a gunsmith to

get a great pull on.

Very ergonomic thumb safety (along with all the

controls). These 2 things make the 1911 the fastest from the holster for an

accurate shot.

Low bore axis allowing faster follow up shots. (these 3 things account for it's

following in competitions such as IPSC and Steel Challenge).

Flat profile, no gun of this power is as thin for CCW.

Very reliable and easy to maintain. Easy to customize to your taste. Hey, we

all have our likes and dislikes.

The reason the 1911 is so good is more than the sum of all of the above,

no other pistol combines all it's atributes anywere near as well.


New member
"it just dosent seem that any better than a SIG or HK etc."

For some folks it ain't. For some a wheelgun is the best. They aren't the best gun for everyone, no gun is.

For me it is the best.

The location of the controls make sense and are ergonomic. They are simple.

It is the most versatile handgun out there. It can be a 50 yard NRA bullseye target gun. It can be an IPSC compensated racegun with red dot sights. It can be a reliable home defense/ range gun, a full size duty gun, a fighting handgun, etc. All this and more with the change of a few parts. Grip don't fit you? It can be altered with a different mainspring housing, a thicker or thinner set of grips, a new grip safety, etc.

It is a safe gun that can nevertheless be carried three ways. Ready for use as the situation requires.

It is thin and flat. It can be made smooth like a used bar of soap.

DAO and DA/SA and the Glock type guns are useful for service use. They have their place, some have decent triggers. None of them have the single action of the 1911. It's trigger is the same from shot to shot, a great aid to accurate shooting.

It comes in various weights, sizes and calibers.

All this and more.

But it comes down to preference and the desire to learn and work at the gun. There are simpler guns to learn out there. But maybe none as rewarding.



You guys make me want to get up and purchase one now...

I'm thinking of that Para Ord Carry 12 mini 10 rounder (CA mag). :rolleyes:
Anyone know if this piece carry all the attributes you guys mention? I know the grip is a little thicker because of the double column.

What 1911 brands are best?


New member
It's not that it is better or worse than any other proven pistol design. It is a classic. It is the most copied design around.

I didn't have my first 1911 until I was about 5 years into my collecting. I started with .22 revolvers, moved to centerfire revolvers, before ever considering an autoloader. I first got comfortable with Glock type actions, then DA/SA type actions, and then moved up to the 1911A1.

Any time I get a full sized pistol, I always compare it to the 1911. If I ever carry, it probably will not be the 1911, but I will always have at least one. Everyone should have at least one.

Does anyone think that in another 50-75 years that manufactures will start cloning the eary Glocks? :eek: Not likely. poppy


New member
It has seen 6 wars, been in service 85 years, and passed every test thrown at it. The question is not what makes so great, but what doesn't.


The trigger and safety lever placement are as good or better than anything else out there. If you want a slim single action, the 1911 does it right.

But everything else is a bit of muddle. But a muddle that a lot of people are happy dealing with to get the nice trigger. As more people try the S&W 945 they might see what I'm talking about, but those guns are still rare enough that 1911s are looked at as the only way to get a gun with that kind of trigger and safety.


New member
Initially when I bought my first handgun years ago I had to have the latest high capacity plastic (and steel) wonder. I ended up with an HK USP40 that I loved. The 1911 wasn't even in the running, what a dinasaur, then I was awakened. I don't even know when it happened but as stated above, once you "get it" you "get it". Also the big hole in one end is comforting, even an FMJ while not the best defense round by a long shot, at nearly 1/2" in diameter is going to put the hurt on a bad guy.

gordo b.

New member
GI 1911a1 with King hard ball sights(or the equivalent like Novak Tritiums ect.) = ultimate killing machine in bad conditions:cool:


New member
Some people like them some dont

But for me if you don’t have one in your collection your collection is not complete.
For many it’s an antique, for others and I include my self it is the finest design of a firearm of all time.
Other companies have made guns that will do some thing better, but as an over all package none come close to the function, power, reliability and just shooting enjoyment that the 1911 can give.
The 1911 is the design that all others are would like to emulate in one way or another.


1. Trigger Pull

2. Ergonomics
3. Strength of design
4. One of the first with redundant safeties (grip & manual)
5. Classic/looks/inertia/military/nostalgia
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