What Made the Snipers Tick?


New member
I couldn't help thinking when I saw pictures of the snipers that they didn't look like particularly vicious or deranged people. They looked like ordinary Joes. Of course, to do what they did, they had to be sick people, but...

What made them do it? What was their reason? Do you think we will ever truly find out? I doubt it was something as simple as the money they were demanding.



New member
You can't tell a sick murderer from his or her appearance (well maybe Charles Manson). They don't have horns or pointy teeth. That's why they get away with their crimes, at least for awhile. It really doesn't matter what makes them tick. I think there is real evil in the world and from my perspective, there is no explaining or understanding it.

The only solution for people like this is to cut them off. Kill them or lock them up. Frankly, death for them is what I would prefer. No one can understand them and there is little point in trying. Most people are basically good. If not, think of how horrible this world would be.

As one TFLer ointed out, they're not snipers, they're bushwackers.

As to what motivated them, there's probably a myriad of reasons and are probably based on distorted perceptions of justice, personal values, lack of ethics, poor parental upbringing, etc.

Now, as to their appearance - the phrase that you can't judge a book by its cover comes to mind. Propaganda always protrays the opposition with evil features. Sharp teeth, bloody hands, menacing sneer. Good catch words too. Us? Heroic, brave, loyal, gallant. In reality, they're humans - just like us. The difference - our values & beliefs.


New member
To be honest..

who cares what made them tick. There is evil in the world and it must be fought and eradicated. Whether or not this was "terrorism" or extortion or they grew up in a poor family in a poor neighborhood with alcoholic parents simply does not matter to me.

If they are guilty of the crimes and found so in a court of law, which I am sure they will, then take them out and be done with it. No different then taking care of a rabid animal.

Once again I believe they should be tried and all evidence reviewed but if and only if they are found guilty then society has no use for them whatsoever. Either kill them or exile them to the middle of the Atlantic with a rubber raft and let fate play out.

They probably just didn't get hugged enough as children...:barf:


New member
I'm totally with cslinger. I wouldn't give one dollar to know what makes them do what they do...because its most likely a load of BS psychobabble. Many people I know grew up under less than ideal conditions, but they're successful and stable people. I don't care what makes them tick because what they did is beyond comprehension. Just kill 'em. I won't shed any tears.


New member
Actually, I'd call 'em snipers. The primary reason being that they didn't just pull up somewhere and start blasting - They PLANNED, and I'd guess that they worked their plan. I'll guess they trained somewhere, and they also likely did more than a couple of dry runs before starting. Then when they started, they had already mapped out how they'd infiltrate and exfiltrate, escape and evade...

Quite possibly they were SUPPOSED to be apprehended...


New member
With the greatest of respect to previous posters, I am firmly of the opinion that we should try to understand what drove these two criminals to their actions. It's important for three reasons:

1. We can identify the sources of such influence, and take steps to monitor and/or control them;

2. We can better understand the effects of such influences on individuals, and thereby perhaps better identify those "at risk" from exposure to such influences;

3. The old principle of "know your enemy" still applies, and is always worth pursuing.

For example, it's pretty clear that John Mohammed (or Muhammad - I've seen both spellings used) was influenced by the so-called "Five Percenters", a radical offshoot of American Islamic groups. They have some very wierd beliefs, including, for example:

- "That the blackman is god and his proper name is ALLAH. Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm, Head."

- "the Original Man (blackman) [is] the Supreme Being, God. Supreme means the most high, being means to exist. God, therefore is the name given to the highest form of existence: the
Blackman. This supreme form of life is the vehicle through which Allah's will is made manifest. There is no substance in the Universe or world that the Original Blackman's body does not consist of. Even the forces we see around us, above us and below us have their beginning with us."

You will note how these kooky beliefs tie in with the message allegedly left at the scene of one of the shootings, on a Tarot card, reading (IIRC) "Dear Policeman, I am God". Want to know more? See their Web site at http://www.allahsnation.net/index.html.


New member
Having been potentially in the sight of these two last month, I have asked the same thing. The Preacherman's points (and congrats on your board status, Pastor) are interesting.

Point 3 is always good. I've considered point 1--if we could just get inside their heads and see what makes 'em tick--to be troublesome. In the case of these two, prevention would have spared a lot of lives. But the process of exploring and controlling the influences might be too much like the unattainable utopian society wherein all dysfunctional events are prevented.

Job 5:6-8 sums it up pretty well, and I am happy in the hope that they will meet swift punishment.


New member
I pretty much agree with The Preacherman in principle but I don't know that we can "stop" people like this. However, knowledge is always good and more information MIGHT lead us to head something off or catch these nuts more quickly.




New member
the tabloid headlines say its because they were gay, and not the happy kind of gay either. which makes sense, since we've all seen just how aggressive and violent dem gays can get. :rolleyes:


Hate and complete disreguard for their fellow humans.

There should be a public beheading of those two and it should be televised nation wide during prime time, live.