what load for naa mini mag?


New member
i use cci shot loads for snake detourance when in the field but was wondering what you would use as a defensive load. i have some 30 gr. tnt's but contemplating fmj's, im a little confused as to what would be best for "head shots"


New member
News to me.

When I had the .22s i loaded Stingers.
The .22 mag I keep it loaded with the CCI +V

These are real short barrels so I loaded the max speed rounds I could find. :cool:


New member
I`m with Darkangel. I load mine with Maxi Mag +V too. Bear in mind that the barrel is really really REALLY short so velocity is way down. I don`t expect it to expand much if at all at those velocities. The velocity of the light bullet and hot load should assure decent penetration though. Marcus

ohen cepel

New member
When I was able to carry CCW I had a snake round in the first chamber. Didn't figure that round was going to be well aimed so it would work well for an area spray. Then is was CCI Maxi Mags, them seemed to be the hottest round I could find.


New member
for a head shot im thinking a fmj may be the best bet? will these stop a fight only when taking head shots or will center mass hits with a h.p. have any effect?


New member
Whatever you do, don't use PMC.

I just received a notice from NAA that says it had double discharges when using PMC ammo in a NAA .22 revolver. One round from the cylinder lined up with the barrel would fire and one of the rounds in the cylinder not lined up with the barrel would also fire........