What kinda rifles are legal in California?


New member
I live in california...the bay area to be exact....i know fully auto's are illegal...but what about single shot rifles?...ive seen kel tec single shot rifles but thats the only thing in a assualt weapon format....im wondering is it illegal to own a single shot AR 15 or M16 since ive never seem them in any stores here??? or can anyone tell me a good rifle chambered in .223 rem that i can buy legaly here in california....thanks


New member
There are numeous bolt action 223s to be had, remington 700 , CZ, theres gotta be a ruger ( excluding the Mini 14 for your poor California folks.


New member
If you're in the bay area and are within city limits, you can't have a gun at your residence, period. If you're not in city limits, you might want to look at a bolt action rifle in .223, however I don't think you're going to be able to find anything in a semi-auto due to the ever growing anit-gun laws.



New member
This is exactly the reason I need to move out of CA. The illegal immigrants bring all the crime and they leave the border open but they say to stop crime we need to take guns away from citizens. You would think they would make it a law for all citizens to own guns to protect themselves from the illegal gang-bangers. CA sucks.


New member
Hi, I'm from Orange county (actually the only county in the State of California to actually vote Republican LOL) so I do not know about the local ordinances for the Bay Area, but I do know the laws for the state of California. (Keep in mind that the local ordinances can be stricter than state law.) With that said, the rule in California is that certain "assault weapons" are banned by manufacturer and model. For example, "colt" or "bushmaster". There is a list of banned weapons published by the attorney general. If a weapon is not on the "banned by name" then it goes to the features. In california, a rifle cannot have both a detachable magazine AND a pistol grip. If it does, it is classified as an "assault weapon" and is a felony to possess (unless you possessed it and registered it PRIOR to the inception of the assault weapons ban; if you haven't already done so by now you are SOL). You CAN have a rifle that has EITHER detachable mags OR a pistol grip but not both. There are companies that are manufacturing both the AR and the AK series rifles with fixed mags, that are California Legal. Here is a site that has them:
Go to the AK or AR sections to find the CA legal ones.

The other option for AK owners, is to use a "monster man" grip. I forgot the website address, but if you google it you will find it. It replaces the pistol grip, and makes an AK with detachable mags CA legal.

If you are talking about a bolt action hunting rifle, you should be OK.

One big rule you should follow: Do not follow free legal advice given on gun chatboards without checking them yourself!!!!! ;)
Here are some web pages (including the CA Attorney General) that should answer your questions:


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New member
USMCG_HMX1 said:
If you're in the bay area and are within city limits, you can't have a gun at your residence, period. If you're not in city limits, you might want to look at a bolt action rifle in .223, however I don't think you're going to be able to find anything in a semi-auto due to the ever growing anit-gun laws.


This is not true.

There are plenty of rifles available in .223/5.56. If you want an autoloader, you could build an AR or get a Kel-Tec SU-16.

More info on builing a CA legal AR is available here: http://calguns.net/


New member
Oh, poo...

I have no idea about the laws specific to the Bay Area, whose ruling elite exist to prove that Stalin was ahead of his time.

I am not a lawyer, nor is anything you read here meant to stand in lieu of legal advice, nor should you interpret anything you read here as legal advice. Only your attorney can give you legal advice, and you should consult an attorney before interpreting anything here as anything other than absolute worthless lies.

In general, a California resident has many options available to him when considering a semiautomatic rifle for purchase, among them:
* Springfield Armory's M1A (semiautomatic in .308)
* Kel-Tec's SU-16CA (semiautomatic in .223)
* US Military's M1 Garand (semiautomatic in .30-06)
* US Military's M1 Carbine (semiautomatic in .30 carbine)
* SKS (semiatomatic in 7.62x39)
* RAA Saiga (semiautomatic in .223, 7.62x39, and .308)
* Remington Model 7400 (semiautomatic in .243, .270, .30-06, & .308)
* Remington Model 750 (semiautomatic in .243, .370, .30-06, & .308)
* Ruger Mini-14 (semiautomatic in .223)
* Ruger Mini-30 (semiautomatic in 7.62x39)
* Ruger Mini-6.8 (semiautomatic in 6.8mm REM SPC)

This is just what I could come up with in a few minutes, and fits the profile you seemed to be asking for - semiautomatic, centerfire caliber, and evil black features. This certainly isn't even a definitive list; there are probably dozens if not hundreds more. Best of luck to you...
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New member
Check out this gun shop!
City Arms in Pacifica. They have the Keltec SU-16 in .223, bushmaster CA legal AR-15 clones with fixed magazines, and just for looks dummy/removable (not really) mags that look like the original from a distance, many bolt actions in .223 and .308.
The guy I spoke to there, was very friendly and helpful and knew about the laws and what you could buy.
I am sure that anything in their store was legal for sale.


New member
Also for more state specific info, check out calguns.net.
Friendly people that can help with specific state/gun topics.

Believe it or not, some rural CA counties encourage CCW and issue permits.
Remember, not all of CA is the same. it's a varied state, and the climate varies with each county.
Don't make the mistake of lumping all Californians into the same boat, lest you fall into the same trap as the other side.


New member
Anythng by Mattel would be ok.

* Springfield Armory's M1A (semiautomatic in .308)
* Kel-Tec's SU-16CA (semiautomatic in .223)
* US Military's M1 Garand (semiautomatic in .30-06)
* US Military's M1 Carbine (semiautomatic in .30 carbine)
* SKS (semiatomatic in 7.62x39)
* RAA Saiga (semiautomatic in .223, 7.62x39, and .308)
* Remington Model 7400 (semiautomatic in .243, .270, .30-06, & .308)
* Remington Model 750 (semiautomatic in .243, .370, .30-06, & .308)
* Ruger Mini-14 (semiautomatic in .223)
* Ruger Mini-30 (semiautomatic in 7.62x39)
* Ruger Mini-6.8 (semiautomatic in 6.8mm REM SPC)


New member
High Valley Ranch, I have no need to slam everyone from Kali, rather to state the perversion of your State Government. There are literally thousands of good folks there like yourself, but others are steering that boat. It is the same in the Socialist Northeast. People keep saying they can change it, but it appears to be going the other way at warp speed. I would have to move to
the South where I am now or to a Mountain State like WY. or MT. However, some day the Fed laws will be an issue, as those same perverted States will corrupt us all with this stupidity. I will have to make a stand on that day.

Good luck


New member
Not too many 'black rifles' are legal in the Communist Republic of Kaliforniastan.:mad: I am sure that most Remington, Savage, and Marlin hunting rifles are legal in the state.

However, the good news is that some companies make certain rifles so that they meet Kaliforniastan specs. Go to a reputable gun shop and speak with a knowledgable sales rep. Tell them what you want and I am sure that they will do everything that they can do (within the law) to find the right gun for you.

If all else fails, just move a few hours west to Nevada. Hopefully you find what you are looking for.

Indrid Cold

New member
I go to college there and I had told myself it would be good because I wouldn't spend money... But... but... I might have to get an M1A... Ah jeez... The paychecks are gone before I even get them... :(

Gator Monroe

New member
Buy a Russian SKS at a Gun Show From a Private Party (Guy with a K98 Mauser, Mosin M38 (with M38 stock and not an M44 stock) and a Yugo and Russian SKS) Slung over his Sholders ( The Mauser will be $ 200.00 the M38 will be $100.00 the yugo $200.00 and your Russian will be $400.00 Give him the money and he will give you your Russian SKS !at most before you Depart for your wheels in the parking lot You and your new friend with the Guns should give A copy of each of your Drivers Liscenses to the Guy or Lady at the nearby Transfer booth (Usuially no fees charged for Private Party C&R sa les guns at gun shows if THE SAID WEAPON is on the List and a 54 Izveshk Russian SKS is on that list!