What kind of gun?


New member
It's a Mateba (Italian Automatic Revolver). I own a 4" version that looks like a 6"er but difficult to tell from the angle.


New member
Looks like it fires from the bottom cylinder. I've seen something like that before, but I can't remember the name, seems like it might have been spanish.
I believe the gun I'm thinking of is also an "automatic revolver" it cocks the hammer back with each shot. Somebody around here probably knows what I'm talking about, I think I saw it here.

heh yeah italian... spanish... same thing :) Guess I should have held off for second longer :)


New member
Obviously a composite photo otherwise I'd complain that the copilot and engineer need to watch their trigger fingers. OK guess I'll complain anyway. ;)


New member
Looks like a Mateba to me. That pic is definitely fake.



New member
The Mateba is the only gun that I desperately want to add to my collection, even though it would serve no definable purpose or useful niche.

I want one sooooo baaaaad...