What kind of gun to shoot eagles?

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New member
How about a toy gun.

Where is that anyway and why is there a camera watching them. I'm assuming your joking but I'm sure it would be illegal to shoot them and why would anyone want to.


What Kind of Gun to Shoot eagles?

The kind with your name and social security etched on it so when USF&W gets you you are easily convictable.



New member
That's a great webcam shot of the eagles nest!!:)

Thanks for listing it - I've bookmarked it. My wife has a number of web cam - some live action and some serial stills - of birds all over the ccountry including one of eagles here in Colorado with THREE little ones - unusual. She also gets falcons and a variety of Owles.

Obviously, the only legal way to shoot eagles is with a camera. Thanks again!!

:D :D :D


New member
I can't believe....

I can't believe that any member let alone a senior member would post such a thread. I assume it was a joke or just away to get people to look at your link. Either way it was not a very smart thing to do


I was going to post something angry when there were 0 replies, and thought better of it.

Now that there seems to be a consensus, all I can say is that joking about that was not in good taste. It was very ignoble to do.


New member
Oh, Christ! COME OFF IT!!!

Do that many of you REALLY think I want to shoot ....EAGLES?

Didn't anyone see that I was simply making it FIREARM RELATED so you could SEE the thing?

Okay, if it conforms to your infinitely LINEAR logic, let's change it to what kind of gun would be best to leave in the truck while looking at eagles in the nest?


And I don't need a definition of "ignoble." My thoughts are very ignoble right now.


NO wonder the antis have such fun with SOME of us.

Did alla you MISS the word, "enjoy?"

I can link a definition if needed.



New member
No cochise, they taste like WHOOPING CRANE!

with a ...hint.... of FAWN! (jacklighted of course)

:D :D :D :D :D :D (just in case)

Mal H

This one's apparently going nowhere but further downhill. Yes, I think Lavan was obviously joking with the title even though it was in poor taste.

Nonetheless, the subject is OT - reason enough to close it down.
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