What kind of FNFAL to buy?

Patrick Bateman

New member
Hoping you guys and gals may have some recommendations on what kind of FNFAL to get. Inch, metric, DSArms, Century, Entreprise, Arizona Response Systems.......? Hope you can help. Just know that I want one. Thanks.

Jamie Young

New member
Stick with the best and go with DSA. The best gun for the money is still the STG58. Several other TFL member have gotten them also. I paid around $950 for mine. It looked brank spankin new and its very accurate with Match ammo.


New member
I have the Century Arms one and it is just fine. Can't wseem to bring myself to spend an extra $550 dollars on the DSA. My Century was $500. Shoots great, very accurate, all that I could have hoped for and more.

Check them all out and see what you think.


New member
Another vote for DSA here. A friend of mine has one and it is a VERY nice example of an FAL. Workmanship and everything else is superb. Stay away from the "X Series" buttstock though. My cheek hurts just thinking about the last trip to the range.


New member
Just to be a curmudgeon stay away from the Williams Aluminum receiver. They have a bad rep for structural instability.



New member

have 2,lw carbine,sa58 rifle,both are very nice.like the saying goes,you get what you pay for!merry christmas!