what is utah like? (weather,economy,politics)

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New member
i have a possible job offer to go to north salt lake utah and i was born and bred in california. i know they get snow in the winter and thats the main thing keeping me away. i was wondering how much snow it would drop in an average week in the middle of winter. i know there is a BIG morman influence but if anyone can elaborate. i heard you are an outcast if you dont join the church and that they want 10% of my pay. ive been to utah before and it seemed kind of strange, but i cant explain it. please help clear things up and make me want to go out there.

Standing Wolf

Member in memoriam
I looked long and hard at Salt Lake City a couple years ago when I was preparing to leave the People's Republic of California. It's a clean city. Housing prices were much more reasonable than those in the P.R.C. The economic situation looked pretty good. A realtor made it abundantly clear not being a Mormon can be a significant detriment.


New member
I live in southern Utah and it's great. The Mormon thing isn't an issue here. Only thing is you gotta have a 4X4 w/gun rack,couple of horses, guns and you're pretty much set. It does snow here but usually by afternoon it's just about gone..... :cool:


New member
so snow isnt an issue really. the thing that i dont want is waking up to 8-12' of the stuff and having to dig out every other day or so. how often do you have to clean off the driveway? how do people know if your mormon and going to church or not.


New member
Greatest Snow on Earth

That's what it says on our license plates. We do not get inordinate amounts of snow down in the valley, if you live in N Salt Lake you will be at about 4500ft not too much lasting snow at that elevation. I live at mouth of Alta Canyon (about 5000 ft) and had to use my snow blower 5 or 6 times this year. The reason we live here is that we are skiiers so we welcome the snow.
Not Mormon and find no problem living among them, they are fine folk and run a "Pretty Great State". Gun friendly laws are an advantage, great outdoor activities are close at hand but taxes are relatively high (but not as high as the PRK) :)
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