What is up with the "Law and Civil Rights" forum???

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New member
What is wrong here, that you have to have an invitation-only forum, (AKA a "Good 'Ol Boys" forum)?

WHY would you restrict the membership from posting?

What do you all have to hide? why are a group that values the second amendment so much, acting so afraid of the first? (I know, it's a private forum, but C'mon...get real!)

What do you fear, from letting the unwashed masses post there?


New member
Did you read the sticky at the top of the forum about why it has been set up the way it is?

None of the mods have anything to hide, and quite personally when the "unwashed masses" (your words, not mine) were posting there the petty behavior was getting out of control(my opinion, take it for what it is worth). Why don't you PM the mods or the owner and talk to them instead of posting here?


New member
I posted here because I WANTED it here... I wanted my questions asked and answered publicly... in the open, in the daylight, where BS can't survive...

I am wondering why they decided to male L&P and L&CR read-only to the masses...

WHY are they afraid to let us post there?

the right way toi deal with the BS in L&P would have been to infiorce existing rules, and make new ones to fix problems, and enforce those, setting up an "invite only" GOB forum makes it impossible for the rest of us to even ASK legal or political questions...

IF we dare to ask them, they then move them to L&CR, so we then can'a reply or ask for clarafication... kinda screwy... smells bad...
Have you read the old posts in the old L&P forum? They were getting pretty ridiculous. If you have a good reputation on the boards you will be approved to post there. I have only been around a few months and was approved. Pretty sure that makes it not so much of a good ol' boys thing. Just want respectful posts in there.


I am wondering why they decided to male L&P and L&CR read-only to the masses...

Probably due to the MANY unnecessarily uncivil, antagonistic, argumentative, personal-attacking, name-calling posts that kept popping up. No one seemed able to stay objective and impersonal.

I would guess the ones allowed to post right now are the ones who didn't involve themselves in that. If it stays civil, I'm sure they'll open it up.


New member
I didn't participate in that stuff, and I didn't cause problems, and I didn't get my invite to join, and I can't post there...

Hell, there's no place to request to join, not that I want to... nor a procedure posted to use for that request, or a name given to request to... NOTHING...

wanna know the sad part?

I know someone quite well, who just passed the Michigan Bar, and is a lawyer, who specialized in 2A law in school, studied EVERYTHING they could get their hands on in school, having anything to do with 2A law... and he can't post there... because apparently, he isn't a good 'ol boy... and his $0.02 ain't valuable...


First, you don't "get an invite", you ASK. I believe you can PM any Moderator and request permission to post there.

With all your friend's qualifications, maybe you can hire him and sue TFL. Good luck. Of he can start his own forum and give you complete access as a charter member.


New member
There are two stickies at the top of that forum. All the answers to your questions are in there and if you want to post send a pm to one of the mods and ASK to be allowed to post. There aren't any conspiracies or BS involved. Bitching about it here to us isn't going to solve a thing.


New member
hey, keltyke... they don't TELL you anywhere that YOu mhave to make the request... NO procedure is given...

as for my friend... he isn't about suing anyone over it... he just has some valuable info that he would be willing to share for free, if he could do so...

so, you can quit acting like a smartass, if you like... then again, you DO show your age tendency in your name, eh, 'tyke? (see, 2 of us can play the childish insult game!)

grow up! where did i sugguest a lawsuit? I just was pointiong out that they DON'T tell of a procedure to procure passage into L&CI, and that they have limited out one known safe source of good info...


New member
and I'm supposed to find a post, embedded in a closed thread, that has been moved yo L&CI, to find that information?

seems clear as mud to me!

thanks for the link, it helps make my point nicely!

IF the wanted that info diseminated, it would be in the sticky, not hidden in a closed thread from another forum... right?


New member
Did you PMd a mod or anyone else to ask about this, before taking an overly antagonistic tone?

Perhaps not putting the information out there is the first part of an entrance exam.


New member
Sticky: Question for mods: What's the criteria for admission?

This was the title of the sticky that I found the info in. It only makes sense that it is in the Law and Civil Rights forum, right at the top. Nothing hidden here. :D


New member
gee. take a chill pill.

Whoever gets to decide such things decided against allowing open discussion in that forum.

you could always start your own forum and let anyone talk about anything anyway they so desire.


New member
IF the wanted that info diseminated, it would be in the sticky, not hidden in a closed thread from another forum... right?

Yep it is a HUGE conspiracy all set up to prevent you from gettin the word out about our 2nd Amendment rights!!!! The bastards!!!!:rolleyes:


New member
not a conspiracy thing... just a "Good 'Ol Boys" network, wishing to exclude anyone NOT in the clicque... oh well... their loss...


and I'm supposed to find a post, embedded in a closed thread, that has been moved yo L&CI, to find that information?

What do you want? Big blinky text scrolling banners that you have to acknowledge to get off the screen so you can read the information you actually searched for?

Sheesh. PM one of the mods of the forum.

I did it about a week ago and I'm waiting my approval to depart the dirty communal bathwater of the semiwashed masses. :p Who knows, maybe I'm not cool enough and I won't get in. But you're definitely not gonna be one of the good old boys if you don't ask and maybe put in the effort to learn the secret handshake.:rolleyes:


New member
never been one of the "good 'ol boys" never wanted to be... if they have a "by invitation only" clicque, then they can enjoy it...I don't need them... and it is their loss...

secret handshakes are for kiddies, and clicques are for insecure, small-minded people... I don't fit into eother group, nor do I wish to...

I was just trying to figure out what was going on, and why... now I know... and I prefer to do it in the wide open, not behind the scenes and all sneaky-like...

I believe in the other 9 amendments too, not just the second one...
The reflections in this thread look a lot like the old L&P forum. No reason to get bent out of shape - ask a mod for access if you want to post, and expect to see your access yanked if you saunter around insulting users' screen names and blowing a lot of hot air.
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