What is this tool used for?


New member
I have had this "thing" sitting on my reloading bench for about a year that my Dad gave me mixed in with a bunch of stuff he did`nt want. I could never figure out what it was for until I opened this month`s Midway flyer, and there it was. It is a Lee Chamfer Tool. :confused: Can anyone tell me how this tool is used? I don`t own anything made by Lee.


New member
Ohhhh, so that`s what it is. Well, that one is going to be a freebie for someone. I have one way better than this Lee chamfer. I like my RCBS burring tool made by L.E. Wilson.


New member
Deburring tool cleans up the outside throat on brass shells while the Chamfer tool is used to clean up the inside throat of brass. Chamfering also puts a angle into the brass of the throat so that when you press in a new bullet the side of the case won't shave off some of the lead or copper from the bullet.

Most times you'll see a combo Chamfer/Deburring tool like this:


Chamfer the inside, deburr the outside. Often times people just call both processes "deburring" though (kinda' like above... ;) ).


The Lee chamfering tool also has another use. There is an adapter for a Dremel tool used for sanding drums - its a rubber cylinder that would fit inside the sanding drum. Anyway, you put the Lee chamfering tool on that dremel adapter and chuck it into a drill or dremel tool and makes a great tool to remove the primer pocket crimps from military and other brass that has crimped primers.
How would you attach the Lee tool to the sanding tool drum? The drum has a screw that has to be tightened to expand the rubber to grab the sanding medium.


New member
I have a Lee. It will not deburr .270WSM. It's too short and hits the shoulder before contacting the neck mouth.
So...I got an RCBS ...that works excellent on all brass that I reload