What is this Korriphila Mod. TP 70?


New member
A fellow came into the store today with a Korriphila Mod. TP 70 chambered in .22LR. The firearm was numbered 00011 and was ornately engraved and had gold inlay. I told the cutomer I had no idea what it was worth and would ask on a few boards. Can anyone here help me out?


From Pistols of the World

Korriphila Prazisionsmechanik GmbH of Heidelberg and later Ulm/Donau was formed in the 1960s to promote the small high-quality 6.35mm Browning (25ACP) TP-70 blowback automatic. It used a double-action lock, but was otherwise a quite common place design with a slide-mounted safety catch. The TP-70 was sold in the USA in the 1970s as the 'Budischowsky', named for its Czech-born designer.


Apparently the TP-70 was also available in .22LR.

Bluebook doesn't list a value. (DOH! They do, as Mal pointed out below, I just didn't look under the right listing.) I'd say it's worth about as much as any other high quality .22LR pistol with engraving and gold inlay. ;)

Seriously, it could be worth anything. It's certainly not junk, but what you get for it will probably be less much than it's "worth".

There is also another company operating today with the same name, but making a different pistol. Apparently a very high-end pistol...



Mal H

Based on the info in the Blue Book, Korriphila pistols are first rate. It says they only produce about 30 or less pistols per year. They don't list the model you stated, but if it is of the quality of the ones they do list, it is worth several thousands of $$.

See if he will take $1,000. You should stand to make some profit off of it if you don't keep it yourself.

".. manufactured by Intertex, located in Eislingen, Germany. ... imported by Korriphila, Inc. in Pineville, NC."

After reading JohnKSa's post ( he was posting as I was posting), forget what I said. I looked up the Budischowsky TP-70. Looks like it is worth a max of $440 in LN condition; probably closer to $350.


New member
The owner intimated to me that he wanted to hold on to it as it was given to him by his grandfather. I'll give him the info you justy gave me. Thanks a bunch!

Mal H

You know, if the pistol is a relatively new production Korriphila rendition of the Budischowsky design, it could still be worth a few thou instead of the value indicated for the plain jane Budischowsky.


Wow... A Damascus steel semi-auto!



Mal H

Yeah, I was admiring just the description of that pistol. The photo shows it's even better than I imagined. :)


The bigger gun is a variation on the HK roller system of delayed blowback, but with a single horizontal roller. Fixed barrel, supposed to be beautifully made.

Something for the man who has everything, including a Korth.

Mal H

Wild - you need to be a little less word frugal. At today's prices on hard drives, they only cost a few picobucks each. ;)

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