What Is The Meaning Of Your Handle/Screen Name?

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Moderator Emeritus
I've been here on TFL for about seven months and have seen a lot of different Screen Names/Handles/Aliases. Some are very straightforward, some are complete mysteries.
Well, just for fun, let's shed those mysteries and share the secret behind our screen names. I'm not asking anyone to reveal their real names, just tell what your screen name means and why you chose it.

I'll go first.

I got my nickname from my old boss because anytime I was in a bad mood at work (most of the time) I would play TheBlues on my CD player. Usually Buddy Guy, BB King, Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters or Elmore James. I changed jobs, am much happier now, but still play TheBlues whenever I can. I had originally wanted just 'bluesman' but that name was taken by someone less than a month before I signed up. He hasn't posted here in more than 6 months. Oh well.

I am, now and forever: TheBluesMan :)


"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website


Staff Emeritus
My first and last names are apparently almost impossible for most Texans to pronounce properly.

At my first LE job, the civilians would call in and ask for, "That red-headed lawdog". The name just kind of stuck.



New member
I got mine as a Boy Scout leader. There is an advanced scout leader training course called Wood Badge. When you take the course, you are assigned to a patrol and the patrols are named for animals. I was in the Fox patrol. My hair went gray when I was in my early thirties (family trait) so it was only natural that folks started calling me "The Gray Fox". The name just sort of stuck.


Staff Alumnus
Mine is my real name. Imagine that. :D

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson

Futo Inu

New member
Futo Inu Japanese for Big Dog - I have a big American Akita dog (originated in Japan - the Japanese Akita), and this is my favorite breed.

Mike in VA

New member
Um, my name is Mike and I live in Virginia - I'm kind of a WYSIWYG guy, didn't have an alterego or alias personna I felt was appropraite, so I yam what I yam. M2


New member
Ok, we've all heard the saying "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. Well that's part of it. I am also a documented relative of Frank and Jesse James, Col. John S. Mosby, James Andrews (who stole the locomotive "The General"), and Ike and Billy Clanton.
Gunpowder has ran through my family's blood for generations, and so has distrust of big government. So if I am forced to become an outlaw, I should have no problem doing so. ;)

Screw the Anti's!!


Staff Alumnus
Um a friend of mine took to calling me doctor rob when I was 16.. its one of the few nicknames I've had that I liked.

Dr.Robert was an old obscure beatles tune, I gather that's where he got it.

Now I "doctor" photos for a living.. go figure.



Member In Memoriam
My initials are AA (wuz took :(). I'm a metrologist (science of very precise physical measurements) & an engineer. AA is the best (to a point) grade of metrology equipment & is known in the trade as "lab grade." So, there you go ....

Dyslexics Untie!


Staff Alumnus
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TheBluesMan:

Yeah, but how do you pronounce it?

I KNEW that was coming... ;)

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson


New member
something to do with Toyota Land Cruisers ;)



New member
Consolidated omnibus budget reconcillation act and I am a male. CObra Man Figure this one out and somebody wins a virtual cookie


New member
I'm a sales rep, I sell pretty much all the neat stuff to motorcycle dealers. I enjoy the offroad stuff most, so- motorep. It's my license plate, too.


New member
Favorite 9mm load, and I could remember it.

When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish; IT IS that they shall be destroyed forever...Psalms 92.7
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