What is the largest caliber you would carry?


New member
Like the title says. What's the largest caliber you would go for a concealed carry weapon? For the sake of the thread, let's say this weapon is for carry around town, daily activities, etc. Not camping, hunting, Lion/tiger/bear gun


New member
Largest caliber

depending on how you look at it. .357 mag or .45 auto. IMHO .44 Mag is reserved for large animals.


The OP stated that this is for concealed carry meaning that the .44 Magnum is probably not a candidate.

For concealed carry you are going to be dealing with either a compact frame or sub-compact pistol. If you enjoy the kick of the .40 or .45 from the smaller frame pistols, then go with that.

However, my choice is good ole 9mm. I dont have fun shooting the larger calibers out of the smaller frame pistols. I find that the 9mm is more controllable out of the compact and smaller frame pistols.

We all agree here that we may need more then one round to stop the target or that their might be multiple targets. In the larger caliber small frame pistols, you are going to get a kick which will throw your aim off for a matter of milliseconds where you have to re-zero.

The 9mm and .38 special is different in that kick is minimized. So if you want accuracy and the ability to re-zero more quickly then these pistols are where its at.

I wouldnt feel undergunned with either a .38 special or a 9mm. They will both place holes in the intended target and probably with fatal results.

If you did carry a caliber that is larger and more deadly then what the police carry, then the prosecutor can use that against you in court.


New member

45 ACP. Anything more and it is probably not too concealable. Smallest? 38 SPL as a BUG and .40 as my primary.


New member
There are several easialy concealable .44 magnum revolvers. I have CCW vests that I can, and have, easily carried my full size 1911A1 in. I also use a shoulder bag that handles the 1911 quite well.

El Paso Joe

New member
Two criteria - I have to be able to carry with a degree of comfort - and - I have to be really practiced with it. In the past, I could carry most anything. These days weight and control dictate a smaller gun. Most of my practice is with either a 9mm or a 38+P. With either I can do what I need to out to 25' (cover with the palm of my hand). So those are the largest calibers I carry.


New member
I dont have a .45 YET, but that would be the largest caliber I would carry. I feel pretty secure with a .40 or 9mm though.


Sounds good on paper, but, it's still a BIG gun, in particular with the Wood grips it first came with. Also, the top strap isn't up to much shooting. Wears out, despite the insert.

For 575, Buds has a Bounty Hunter, same gun, but steel. While 10 oz heavier, I think I'd rather have the weight, and, the strength in the top strap.


Sounds good on paper, but, it's still a BIG gun, in particular with the Wood grips it first came with. Also, the top strap isn't up to much shooting. Wears out, despite the insert.

For 575, Buds has a Bounty Hunter, same gun, but steel. While 10 oz heavier, I think I'd rather have the weight, and, the strength in the top strap.


New member
It’s the size of the gun not caliber that decides what I will carry.
Mostly I carry a Glock 26, if I felt that I needed more I would carry ether my Kimber Royal carry that’s 45 ACP or a Charger Arms Bulldog in 44.
I have a Smith 3 inch 629 that would work but after walking around with it on one hip for several hours, I would need a hip brace or some king of supporting device. I hate suspenders that that’s just about the only way I can keep my pants up with that gun on my belt.
I like tomgun’s suggestion of Mossberg pistol grip 18.5" and if I ever wore a trench coat I would go his way.
There was this movie with Arnold Swartzanager (sorry for the spelling) that he fought against an alien.
One of the men with him carried a mini gun with about 1gazzilian rounds.
That looked light enough, and if the price is right.:D