What is the best Sig 9mm for CCW?

Bought my dad a Kahr K9 today for a great price. Seller said he is moving toward only having Sig's. I have never owned one or shot one. So now I am curious as to which Sig 9mm would be the best for CCW. (ie: best trigger, small, thin, less heavy ;), etc. I may pick one up just to give Sig a try.
(I do have other pistols) AND do they make one that is NOT DA/SA. I don't think I can ever get used to a DA/SA unless I can carry it cocked and locked.

Also, are the all steel Kahr's a better way to go? (ie: MK or K series)
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New member
For my purposes, the new P290 would be the one with the most potential as a CCW. I say "potential" because no one knows if this gun is going to have as many quality control and functionality issues as Exeter's last two efforts (P250 and P238).

The P239 is a proven gun, but it's way too bulky and heavy (29.5 oz. unloaded) for its capacity (8+1).

In sum, Sig doesn't make any 9mm pistols that I presently find appealing for CCW applications.


New member
might want to look at the p229.... little smaller than a p226. or check out a used p6/p225 single stack 9mm w. german police issue. also check out the p239, my cuz is an Allentown PA cop, carries the p229 in uniform and the p239 while in detective dress/plain clothes.


SIG Sauer models for concealed carry/protection...

In my view, the "best" CCW/carry type pistol would be the P239 DAK(smooth DA only) in the newer SASII format.
It has no sharp or rough edges and has a simple hammer fired system.
Add tactical night sights and maybe a CT lasergrip & you'll have a top notch carry gun. ;)



New member
Yo Northslope ---

Couple of yeas ago my wife gifted me a Sig P239 Tactical for my birthday. I handled one in a store, but it seemed blocky and uncomfortable in the hand, so I couldn't justify buying it and instead bought the super comfy Walther P99 (a mistake).

Anyways, the P239 is a secret service approved carry, so I figured it must have something going for it. Its small (about the size of a Makarov PM), works well in a IWB or shoulder holster, ankle carry is a no go. Its heavy, yes heavy, but at least you know you're carrying.

Now for the really good part.

It is DA/SA and the DA is butter smooth, better than Kahr DA, couldn't believe it, a shocker. The SA, (it has Sigs SRT system - short-reset-trigger) is incredibly fast.

The only DA/SA that I can get a very accurate first shot off with, and thankfully since the followup SA is so quick I don't have to focus and concentrate like I do when shooting DA. Outstanding.

Accuracy, well its the most accurate out of the box 9mm in my experience, with the possible exception of the HK P7.

It also comes with an extended 10 round mag, so I carry with 11 rounds on board.

Tho I have higher capacity, lighter weight plastic wonders, its the Sig P239 that is usually my primary carry.


New member
Personally, I can, and do carry any of my stable with ease (220, 239, 245, 226/.40, 228). After firing them all I was surprised that the 239 9mm was the smoothest all around. It seemed to have the best trigger of the bunch, point the fastest, and lightest felt recoil, and obviously, conceals the best of my particular Sigs.

Multiple 1 hand shots, strong or off hand, are a breeze, and even the non "melt" models are nicely smoothed and snag resistant. I'm even considering having my 245 "melted" to match the profile. You can find a nice used specimen on GB for $450 or so before shipping.


New member
Two guns come to mind, that have been mentioned, but a particular model for concealed carry are:

1. P229 SAS Gen 2(No rail, carry melt slide and short reset trigger)

2. P239 SAS Gen 2 (same specs as above)

These guns have all the edges rounded off, and make for a smooth draw. I think you would like either one.:cool:


New member
I carry concealed both SIG models 220 and 226 comfortably in iwb holsters. They are both "da/sa" and impossible to carry "cocked and locked".


New member
I think the Sig 239 is a very good carry weapon ...and very strongly built / and relatively small compared to many other options. I like it in 9mm and .40S&W .....

but the model 239's are all DA / SA or DAK triggers ... so you cannot carry them cocked and locked / they have a decocker.

Cocked and locked - in my mind - is more of a 1911 platform - and Springfield, Kimber, Wilson Combat and others have a number of options in 9mm especially in 4" barrels - that are very good options as well.


DAK for self defense/carry use..

In my humble opine;
The DA only DAK type system is way better than SRT or condition 1(cocked & locked) carry for protection.
The DAK format is in use with many sworn LE officers and federal agents because it offers a simple, error free draw. With a DAK type SIG pistol you could also avoid bogus claims by lawyers or detectives or media reporters that you "cocked" the pistol as a threat or that the light trigger pull caused you to fire by accident or in a panic.
These false claims or issues may or may not come up in a post-shooting event or criminal investigation but why even create the problem.
Many sworn LE officers and/or jury members are not gun experts or understand all types of weapons or fire controls.

A DAK model can protect you from these problems in the aftermath a lot better than a SRT or light trigger system.


New member
I only have experience with the sig p6, but I would not hesitate to carry it if my usual EDC was unavailable.


New member
Surplus P6, P225, P228 if you want the better Sig 9MM's. Try to find a P228 as they are better balanced than the P229 due to the lighter stamped steel slide.

stand watie

New member
to all,

wouldn't take love or money for my 4/82 vintage Sig P6. = in the HOT south TX weather, it "disappears" under the thinnest of golf shirts, in a OTB holster.
(the other 9mm Sigs tend to "print" under shirts, as they are much thicker.)

it swallows every sort of 9x19mm ammo that the mag will accept (including "flying ashtrays"), with nary a hitch.

BEST 400.oo that i've spent in years & it's on my belt if i'm dressed.

NOTE: i'm about to be appointed as a Special Ranger at The Alamo shrine & i NEED a basketweave/black LH "duty holster" to fit my Sam Browne. - anyone have one for sale?
(good used is fine.)

yours, sw


New member
In my view, the "best" CCW/carry type pistol would be the P239 DAK(smooth DA only) in the newer SASII format.
It has no sharp or rough edges and has a simple hammer fired system.
Add tactical night sights and maybe a CT lasergrip & you'll have a top notch carry gun.

I resemble that statement:D
